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Sceala Irish Craic Forum

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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Westminster British Terrorist murders & bombings in Ireland
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29 Boyle Bru 4265
Sceala Irish Craic Forum british crown behind extremists terrorists Ireland & Ukraine
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11 Paddy acting the goat 816
Paddy acting the goat
Sceala Irish Craic Forum uk has been encouraging division terrorism ukraine for years
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19 Mammysirishstew 1071
Babs Hamilton
Sceala Irish Craic Forum british government sponsor of division & hate & Islamic extreme terrorism
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16 Santryman 2104
talking irish
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ireland has no room for any more asylum seekers chancers immigrants or from Ukraine
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50 Gerard Delaney Tipperary 5324
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Immigrants encouraged in, now Irish told to emigrate.
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25 bamboozileer 3669
St Pats So Cal
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Stop the free hand outs to foreign nationals
8 bamboozileer 2894
Boogie Wonderland
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Slovakian immigrant (roma?) on disabilty benefit charged
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18 Gerard Delaney Tipperary 1922
Brian Whelan
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Roma Romanians Eastern European serious crime rapists uk
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17 Santryman 1420
Hibernian lass
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Zelensky & Trudeau Comedy clowns applaud a NAZI
3 PaddyFitz 1385
Frank Devenny
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ireland is Full - no homes to rent or buy affordably
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27 taraconnect 1524
Irish hal
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Out of control Immigrants Ireland aka TRANSIT CAMP - is REASON for high rents
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51 Frank Devenny 2886
St Pats So Cal
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Homeless crisis for many native Irish - free rent immigrants
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68 Berties brown envelope 4216
Sceala Irish Craic Forum ukranians No more free welfare! get a job or GO HOME
0 Mammysirishstew 296
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Mary Robinson Sir Bono Sir Rob Goldoff patronizing charity workers charade
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16 Cara77 2791
Berties brown envelope
6 Irish Granny 537
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Israel benefits from Ukraine Russian war
8 Brian T Dublin 1121
Clan Malley
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Homeless crisis Hospitals crisis Ireland but politicians encourage immigrants & CHANCERS
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89 Irish Granny 3641
Boyle Bru
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Bin Laden the story of the British American made monster.
8 BobbyMacQ 1332
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Netanyahu a corrupt evil terrorist child murderer monster
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13 Jack Hegarty 1118
Frank Devenny
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Syrian Iraqi Libyan refugees USA & lapdog UK should home.
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12 Boyle Bru 1686
Paddy acting the goat
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Israel created & exported 20th C extreme Islamic lunatics
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13 Brian Whelan 1308
Babs Hamilton
Sceala Irish Craic Forum EU Nations Stop free money welfare to Ukraine refugees
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15 Babs Hamilton 826
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Israel aims are TO EXPEL TO EUROPE Millions of Arabs Palestinians Syrians Lebanese Islam to Europe
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21 Boyle Bru 1065
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ireland run like a cheap business not a nation
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16 taraconnect 1880
Paddy acting the goat
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Immigrants ARE over represented as registered CRIME OFFENDERS
7 Hibernian lass 12936
Frank Devenny
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Homeless native Irish in ireland ignored but ukranians!
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49 Boyle Bru 3272
Irish hal
Sceala Irish Craic Forum ukraine immigrants are a real threat to Irish public health
3 Limerick Queen 1763
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Where is whiskey or whisky originally from?
6 Shaz Rattigan 582
talking irish
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Hypocrisy of Uncle Sam and his ugly lap dog John bullshit
10 Tkelley 2954
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Why are so many Indians & Pakistanis being allowed into Ireland
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16 Limerick Queen 799
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ireland will be flooded by EU EEA failed asylum seekers
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22 Hibernian lass 9258
6 Boyle Bru 494
Boyle Bru
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Helen McEntee encouraged encourages illegals & chancers
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14 BobbyMacQ 755
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Germany deports illegals & false asylum seekers evil
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13 dedubjimmy 6547
Babs Hamilton
Sceala Irish Craic Forum 54,000 + brazilians migrant chancers to Ireland in 5 years
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17 Paddy acting the goat 1652
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Perverse - Ukrainian students in Ireland getting more grant money than native Irish Children.
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12 Irish Granny 662
Boogie Wonderland
Sceala Irish Craic Forum ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS insane numbers in Ireland
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20 dedubjimmy 1565
Brian Whelan
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ireland does not have a far right problem! it has a out of control immigration policy
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17 Babs Hamilton 982
Hibernian lass
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Asylum seekers and immigrants in Ireland. Know your rights
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21 bamboozileer 5264
Frank Devenny
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish do not want this many immigrants in Ireland
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23 bamboozileer 2902
Brian T Dublin
Sceala Irish Craic Forum economic immigrants price we all pay for "cheap labour"
4 Hibernian lass 1631
Gerard Delaney Tipperary
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ireland needs urgent immigration controls not more houses
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36 eireen 1655
Gerard Delaney Tipperary
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Asylum seekers Ireland the cash cow business.
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15 bamboozileer 5347
Frank Devenny
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ukraine number 1 in Europe for Corruption Poverty Rabies & HIV - but no checks!
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51 Mammysirishstew 1951
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15 Brian T Dublin 2464
Jack Hegarty
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish politicians claim extra 10,000 homes built will solve housing crisis
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16 Gerard Delaney Tipperary 1112
Irish hal
Sceala Irish Craic Forum The Real John McCain
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65 inisheer 3660
Boyle Bru
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Another Immigrant evil scum NO REMORSE SEX PREDATOR RAPIST
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13 Babs Hamilton 1374
Boyle Bru
Sceala Irish Craic Forum No Asylum Seekers previous in UK or EU will be granted asylum or welfare in Ireland.
10 Gerard Delaney Tipperary 654
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Asian Immigrant dangerous sex predator "security guard"
7 Hibernian lass 1305
Brian T Dublin
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Pakistani sex predator gangs in Ireland targets vulnerable
9 Boyle Bru 2083
Kate English
Sceala Irish Craic Forum immigrant sex predators prowlers targetting vulnerable
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15 Gerard Delaney Tipperary 1526
Sceala Irish Craic Forum James McClean Irishman refuses to bow to Poppy Fascism
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27 Frank Devenny 11715
Hibernian lass
Sceala Irish Craic Forum british army soldiers murder woman & dump in septic COVER UP
7 Gerard Delaney Tipperary 888
Irish hal
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Poppys help pay welfare legion of British army Sex offenders
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44 Canuck Republican 12245
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Illegals & Bogus Asylum seekers to be deported from Ireland
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17 Santryman 2763
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Do Gooders naive to immigrant chancers and the scum element
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11 Limerick Queen 1029
Boyle Bru
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