Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Countless Millions to ukraine while Irish special needs Children told to wait YEARS for basics

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Countless Millions to ukraine while Irish special needs Children told to wait YEARS for basics

        Countless Millions to ukraine while Irish special needs Children told to wait YEARS for basics Countless Millions to ukraine while Irish special needs Children told to wait YEARS for basics Information
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Irish Author Countless Millions to ukraine while Irish special needs Children told to wait YEARS for basics Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Boogie Wonderland

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Location: Cavan

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Countless Millions to ukraine while Irish special needs Chil

Millions likely billions by now given to ukranians (basically anyone who claims to be from) on welfare and the ukraine most corrupt state in Europe

Prior to 2022 the ukraine was a very distant unknown place few in Ireland including if not especially so called Irish politicians could have accurately pointed to or define accuraely on a map before 2022, all most knew or ever heard was occasional news reports of civil unrest and of ukrain extreme fascist football fans, it was in any general context a very unknown place distanced by a continent and our lovely sea part of a huge ocean between us and what we now know (those who care to read& question for themselves) that most corrupt statelet in all of far far east Europe.

So why has Ireland! been so especially naive (orchestrated & choreographed by our corrupt eu puppet politicians is reason)

And so Ukranians and the ukraine have been just handed out countless millions of your national savings your children's' futures put aside placed second best , extreme sums of your money just handed out by so called Irish politicians!

And unlike those typical war mongers uk who are providing loans for pay back ! uk is for example making headlines of its supposed charity! lending £2.26bn to Ukraine backed by profits from sanctioned Russian sovereign assets.
uk crown typically is "so passionate" about profits from war! so vocal about backing ukraine for a century why? well because years before it had worked on many deals to be promised contracts worth trillions to build naval ports for Odessa & likely Crimea pre 2014 for just one example!
Russia retaking Crimea put a hold on the assumed easy trillions owed to so called uk business men (mercenary war mongers)! and unfortunately for them Crimea & a now a lot more of ukraine is now Russia!

Ireland via its pathetic eu puppet politicians meanwhile - is just giving the so corrupt ukraine millions of free money and ukranian so called refugees (many from parts of no war or real imminent risk of ) a billion in free welfare!
WHY? we have zero to do with that war and already had a crisis in every public service!
Its as if all the supposed Irish politicians cared about was joe biden / eu pats on the back!

Thanks we get!
The brazen zelensky like nerve of this ukranian so called journalist- UNINTENTIONALLY HIGHLIGHTS THE PERVERSE ! complaining about Ireland's broken health care system, as she publicly admits to travels to and from ukraine Yet a supposed refugee!
writes of a common practise
ukranians making flying visits back to ukraine between collecting or living off free welfare in Ireland ! so called war refugees!!
Moaning about Ireland health service! yet! coming back for more free welfare hand outs! from mugs of Ireland

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Ireland's health system is indeed broken, but! was working very well up until around 2004!
but all but completely broke now because like every other public service from schools to homes to places to rent in Ireland it evolved from a native Irish need it was never designed to cater for or could ever cope with a extra million or so immigrants! ( an out of control insane unsustainable & unprecedented approximate 25% increase in population in just a couple of decades) - and so was always destined to break especially when that extra million were mainly low or no skilled economic chancers that required and were topped up by welfare or supposed foreign students from asia or supposed war refugees chancers like her .

Of course ukraine must have a very decent health system by now! now they have tens of millions abroad on welfare living off the backs of other naive nations! & of course all those billions of other peoples moneys for lethal and non lethal means! zelsnky a multi millionaire can not now account for!

While Irish parents are having to publicly beg for basics for their children.

Ireland's own most vulnerable told to wait 10 years for basic needs

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While you wait on a trolley if ever unfortunate to need a Irish Hospital!

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To be eventually be seen but possibly put at further risk by a immigrant bogus doctor!

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EXTREMELY dangerous perverse carry on , politicians running the place for foreigners and solicitors to make money out of immigrants scammers, even seriously dangerous criminal immigrants.

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ukranians making flying visits! so called war refugees!!
Moaning about Ireland health service! yet! coming back for more free welfare hand outs! from mugs of Ireland

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A common practise by supposed war refugees flying home for weekend or weekly visits!

Taxi drivers complain about ukranians taking the pish out of Ireland
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Ukranians driving in Ireland with no insurance no road tax or often not even able to drive no license

Typically Not even a mention on RTE supposed recent investigation as to why roads in Ireland have become so much more dangerous in recent years.

No laws unless you are Irish!

Sicker still of so called Irish politicians who allowed it.
handed out billions of your money by so called Irish politicians!

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Not one of them evens asks a question about the OUT OF CONTROL IMMIGRATION CRISIS and extreme but mainly unnecessary dangers and risks they have collectively imposed upon Irish society they have collectively allowed, silently sat by and allowed when not actively promoted.

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