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UFOs in Ireland

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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     UFOs in Ireland

Here's a gooder. Maybe they came to see Bush?

By Paul Dykes
Belfast Telegraph
Two men working high up a radio mast in Co Monaghan believe they have spied a top-secret inter-planetary craft flying toward Belfast.
Miles Johnston, of the Irish UFO Research Centre, and Dublin-based rigger Terry Malone claim the delta-winged craft traversed the sky at ultrasonic speed, taking just a few seconds to reach the horizon.
"I am convinced it was a man-made advanced space craft - we had a good long look at it in a clear blue sky," Mr Johnston said.
Mr Malone confirmed the object was "absolutely enormous".
"It was huge, high, and travelling at some speed," he said.
"I've seen B52s going over and you can hear them buzzing, but there was not a sound from this thing. And it was gone in an instant."

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