Irish Forums Message Discussion :: ukranians No more free welfare! get a job or GO HOME

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ukranians No more free welfare! get a job or GO HOME

       ukranians No more free welfare! get a job or GO HOME ukranians No more free welfare! get a job or GO HOME Information
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Irish Author ukranians No more free welfare! get a job or GO HOME Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Carlow

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     ukranians No more free welfare! get a job or GO HOME

Ukranians find a job or return back to your own home

Says German leader
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Germany's Scholz tells Ukrainian refugees to find work or go back

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Ireland must follow lead of Germany

Tell all Ukranian welfare spongers to Get a job or GO HOME.

Ireland is full, we have tens of thousands of OUR OWN HOMELESS our own families living in temporary accommodation because homes built for Irish citizens are filled with economic chancers - often encouraged in by naive (at best) so called Irish politicians.

The Ukraine is no where near Ireland and we have zero reason to be encouraging any welfare sponger or chancers from anywhere in to stay.

Ireland is Full! and in crisis already.
Ireland should not be paying welfare to any Ukranians or any other BS so called refugees (most of whom are refused asylum in several other European nations) else for that matter.

Ireland has had enough of the PISH TAKE on our own poor& working class tax paye alike.

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