Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Israel Not China is the parasite of US American tax payers! & Israel is the real trade deficit

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Israel Not China is the parasite of US American tax payers! & Israel is the real trade deficit

       Israel Not China is the parasite of US American tax payers! & Israel is the real trade deficit Israel Not China is the parasite of US American tax payers! & Israel is the real trade deficit Information
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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- Israel Not China is the parasite of US American tax payers! & Israel is the real trade deficit
Irish Author Israel Not China is the parasite of US American tax payers! & Israel is the real trade deficit Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Limerick Queen

Sceala Philosopher

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Israel Not China is the parasite of US American tax payers!

First need to declare ! could not care less about Palestine or anywhere on other side of world middle east. Nothing personal but sick of human wars!

Irish Americans wake up!

Speak out against the agents of Israel extreme zionists backers!

Israel Not China is the real parasite living directly off the backs of US American tax payers - money trail proves says so.

Israel not EU is the real trade deficit directly off your backs


Your tax money?

Why? What for? certainly not making world a safer place for anyone let alone USA.

Trump claims he wants to employ musk to cut costs find savings , stop unnecessary costs no benefit to US tax payers.


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Now we countdown the seconds before agents of Israel like Alan Shatter (assumption based on is own manic always ready with supposed context or excuse for israel content of is own twitter x account)


Says a Jewish-American Journalist

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Do Not want any Arabs or Israelis with extreme versions of islam or judaism (siamese twins) anywhere near Ireland, in fact get out of my land.

But seriously USA! are you blind! and deaf! not see these extreme zionists are being allowed to play you like a fiddle.

This is a well choreographed plan all along

son in law of Trump 2024
Yeah right this sleezebag really cares abut humanity!
Jared Kushner claims
Unlike most Israel gone way more out of its way to protect civilians! sick comedy Gold

Irish Community Video

Also the Zionists extremists trap exposed!
Israel he says does not state it does not want people to move back afterwards!
Clever use of words!
Of course Israel wants "people" to move back just not any actually from area!

No problem for Zionists from New York or Buenos Aires you name it! to move "so called back " to a supposed homeland*
*As a perverse concept as someone who "claimed a homeland" to be from and own a part of Middle east just because they were a Christian, where Christ came from thousands of years ago! via a "supposed religious right"

Israel if allowed to ethnically cleanse (by any method be that by encouragement or at end of gun) will never allow them to move back! if removed or leave by Israeli inspired deceipt ! that is the master plan all along! thats why they have bombed it flat

Was Trump's Proposal To "Take Over" Gaza Jared Kushner's Idea? His Former Chief Of Staff says so!

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For the sole benefit of a crowd of mainly ethnic Europeans from Ukraine Russia , who identify as Jewish but could not DNA wise prove ancestry from middle east!any more than you or me

World on fire for the sole benefit of an extremists sect .

Gaza Bombed flat, and now US international AID (purely coincidentally timing ) cut so nothing will be rebuilt any time soon, so middle east people are encouraged to move to Europe!
All for benefit of Israel a BS supposed nation invented by British crown.

No more credible a claim for a nation state than a Christian land .

*As a perverse concept as someone who "claimed a homeland" and to be from and own a part of Middle east just because they claim they are a Christian, where Christ came from thousands of years ago! via a "supposed religious right"

Israel exists but deserve no special place or right to murder at will!

And the extremist zionists think we pay for their colonial apartheid expansion.

Israel aims are TO EXPEL TO EUROPE Millions of Arabs Palestinians Syrians Lebanese Islam to Europe

A wild claim! in may 2024
Now Trump is in - Netanyau war ciminal is openly stating it! in 2025

A plan all along, in the making plan choreographed for years!

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