Irish Forums Message Discussion :: If you are Irish with any concerns You are now FAR RIGHT

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If you are Irish with any concerns You are now FAR RIGHT

        If you are Irish with any concerns You are now FAR RIGHT If you are Irish with any concerns You are now FAR RIGHT Information
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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- If you are Irish with any concerns You are now FAR RIGHT
Irish Author If you are Irish with any concerns You are now FAR RIGHT Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Brian T Dublin

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     If you are Irish with any concerns You are now FAR RIGHT

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Like confetti cover all, the use is to cover all so you can no longer see.

far right far right far right far right far right far right
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Such a convenient cover all cliche, ironically used most by (aside of chancer politicians who seek to silence any questions ) those who appear to be extremely naive and intolerant at the very same time as preaching acceptance diversity etc, (at least until they are personally effected) , spouted ironically most readily most often by extremists who want to silence any debate .

If you even ask a question about the * numbers of immigrants who have been encouraged the past 2 decades and continue to be encouraged in by naive or corrupt or perverse so called politicians.
Any questions at all!

*aside of Merkels Germany - Ireland had already witnessed pre current proxy war - 2 decades of unprecedented economic immigrants per capita anywere in Europe if not world

Even Merkel had to admit she lost the plot!
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Irish Community Images

Politicians rule number = 1 never own up!
If you are forced to confront truth! act like Bill Clinton, somehow spin it as you were more sinned than sinner.

Merkel likely only said that as she witnessed her political party lose public support.

however at least she kind of admitted , still more than any Irish so called leader has yet to admit to ! the likes of spin chancer varadker and martin EU puppet, are in total denial, actively convincing themselves that the Irish public approve!

Ask a Question!

You are now FAR RIGHT

No elaboration or qualification required once that cheap tag label is used.

That is the exact reason why the unqualified unfair pathetic label is used!

however these same naive or corrupt or perverse so called politicians are now aware or becoming aware it wont work on enough people anymore, because the problems are many and concerns even greater. Too many Irish people are now either personally effected or have family or friends who are personally effected .
Even among the too numerous for sense or fair provisions immigrants who have been here for a few years and well settled, know and feel it cant carry on, it is as many have said an insane state of affairs that will eventually go real bad if nothing is done.
That is the lesson from abroad, Ireland is not unique!

worse news for those few if any politicians that genuinely care for all (over pats on the back from extremists in the EU)

the use far right used no matter how many times is not going to change make better the basic services crisis in Ireland.

Neither will it make a single economic chancer any more welcome here or felt wanted by a ever growing number of Irish people sick of the scam we all pay for,in so many ways.

By effectively attempting to SHUT PEOPLE UP, SILENCE THEM

You are only going to encourage more extremes.

You are only going to encourage More economic chancers to abuse asylum scheme,even more will carry on abusing the system designed to help those in genuine need.

Not just the obvious initial scam entry to Ireland but the extreme scams on welfare we all pay for .

Irish Children (of all shades of skin, of various ethnic backgrounds ) with special needs made to wait for years for any financial help or remote care.

So again!
By effectively attempting to SHUT PEOPLE UP, SILENCE THEM

You are only going to encourage more extremes.

Leading to extremes that politics of any direction has little to any bearing upon.

Being concerned about how to afford college, concerned about a place to live a home, feeling hopeless because of lack of afford ability of what should be the basics in life for workers - is not a extreme - is not remotely the specific wonders or questions or daily thoughts of the far fetched or far anything.


far right for anyone who works to expect to be able to afford to some where anywhere to rent

far right for anyone who works to expect a hospital bed

far right for anyone who works to expect your children to be able to have a credible affordable choice to live in their own land.

far right to be concerned about the scam of supposed english language schools

far right to be concerned about the many tens of thousands coming on a short term visa to Ireland and knowing they can play the system , a insane one asking for problems down the line.

far right to be concerned about the ZERO Background CHECKS on people who want to come here.

far right to be concerned about this insane carry on
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Irish Community Images

Irish Community Images

Ireland will be different of course no logic of course!
just because of the say so, because of the insistence of, because of uber naive daydreams of chancer "politicians" mehole martin & leo varadker

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Irish Community Images

Ireland will be different of course no logic of course!
just because of the say so, because of the insistence of, because of uber naive daydreams of chancer "politicians" mehole martin & leo varadker

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make no mistake if you allow the so called "politicians" to silence you, this is your future. ghettos where people do not really mix and that is at best outcome!


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Maybe these African politicians are also just far right when they want controls , know who is coming into their land

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Maybe Mwrkel is just FAR RIGHT
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No! ignore logic ignore historical and recent experiences of places like usa uk france,

you just put your blind faith trust in meole martin, a man who (like most Irish politicians) outside of EU all expense paid jollys has all but ZERO actual personal experience of the realities of the supposed all enriching multi cultural "melting pots", a USA failed concept and failed export.

So many Parts of uk already look and feel more like Pakistan or Bangladesh or Somalia, and you had best believe in their areas you will be considered the foreigner and expected to confirm to their ways if tolerated at all.

As we already know from reality! from several riots & stabbins in asylum centres, they cant even get on with each other

Did you think that problem would just go away?

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