| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Ukraine the most corrupt nations in Europe extreme far right but no background checks! |
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Ukraine the most corrupt nations in Europe extreme far right but no background checks!
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Ukraine the most corrupt nations in Europe extreme far right but no background checks! Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Ukraine the most corrupt nations in Europe extreme far right
No checks on anyone claiming to be a refugee from Ukraine.
Not only is it immoral to be housing any immigrant or refugee before a homeless Irish citizen, but this open door will be abused!
There are 400,000 Roma living in Ukraine and Moldova and across Eastern Europe, who can blame them for conveniently losing their documents and claiming asylum.
This war was started by the US UK NATO, they have been arming and promoting extremes of ukraine to hate and murder Russians since 2014.
USA Sen John Mccain, Sen Graham , Klobuchar all evil cowardly (their children wont be fighting} War Mongers Arming Ukraine extremists way back in December 2016
Just Look at these evil men war mongering corrupt perverse multi millionaires encouraging other children to die in another needless war.
To benefit who?
For what resource or weapons manufacturer will benefit, who are they really encouraging war for ?
Sure as hell was not about any special care or regard for people of Ukraine.
They have made sure this war happened they could not care less about Ukraine people .
its all for some multi national(s)!
Who are these bad men working for?
2018 warning of Arming Neo-Nazis in Ukraine
Ireland should not be paying for another proxy war for another nation destroyed by the politicial war games of the usual suspects, not content with destroying by proxy Afghanistan Syria Libya Iraq, they will never stop unless they US UK NATO are the ones made to pay, made to take in the refugees they knew would occur by their own war games.
The people of Ireland, especially the homeless and many here who have little realistic chance of a home of their own & will only know home insecurity.
We should not be encouraging their extreme nationalism either!
The naive sights on rte of 'refugee' school children singing ukraine anthem hands on hearts in Irish schools is sickening!
We have had enough of extremes of nationalism have we not?
This is aside no one asked the Irish people did they want their nation swamped by even more non nationals, this time Ukranians.
The numbers now talked of 200,000 coming to Ireland which is broken already in terms of basic services! this is perverse.
That is like the UK taking in 3 million, without question no right of the public to even ask, led by extreme liberal naive who will be blaming all Irish men when some Ukranian living in the 1970's starts racist or sexual abuse here, it will happen!
Why would we not demand at the very least background checks a the UK wisely are doing .
The UK know what some Ukranians are like, some of the most intolerant racist extreme far right on the planet.
Like this Ukranian who was murdering within 5 days of arrival and blowing up mosques!
just 5 days in the Uk & this Ukranian far right lunatic before he could no longer resist murdering a completely innocent old man with darker skin! - sure nothing wrong going on in Ukraine at all!!
Then started planting bombs at mosques.
Why would Ireland just selectively allow anyone into Ireland some?
Let alone a nation that clearly has so many sever social issues.
See below image before the war, what the media was reporting if you doubt!
Did we do the same for Syrians or Iraqis?
Ukraine a land where a majority voted in a ex comedian zelensky who has links to a corrupt ukranian oligarch who funded AZoV Neo nazis, linked to Israel
Irish Politicians seem to be intent on causing political unrest the likes never seen in Ireland for over a century.
What has really been going on in extremist Ukraine
Ukraine Human Rights Abuses
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Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Ukraine the most corrupt nations in Europe extreme far right but no background checks! � Sceala.com Irish Forums (Ireland) :: Designed In Ireland By Sceala The Irish
Message :: Irish Web Ireland :: Ukraine the most corrupt nations in Europe extreme far right but no background checks! From Sceala The Irish Message :: Irish