Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Ukraine number 1 in Europe for Corruption Poverty Rabies & HIV - but no checks!

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Ukraine number 1 in Europe for Corruption Poverty Rabies & HIV - but no checks!

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Irish Author Ukraine number 1 in Europe for Corruption Poverty Rabies & HIV - but no checks! Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Carlow

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Ukraine number 1 in Europe for Corruption Poverty Rabies &a

Thu Oct 27, 2022
The reality of The Ukraine before this latest proxy war -

Unlike the simplistic BS presented on every msm & the concerning & disturbing clearly orchestrated so called news across most of europe.

REALITY WAS the typical Ukranian was as poor as someone from El Salvador !!!!

Or in brief! most are not ever going home are they! not when they get all handouts free money from our tax payers, just arrive in Ireland or be trafficked here , then simply say you are from ukraine & no waiting & few to no questions!
Instant accommodation & food & your tax payer money your childrens money & future, just handed out to any chancer ! (of course it will all break soon enough as Ireland is already full)

the figures show just how corrupt the ukraine was & extreme poverty of typical ukranian- a divided land where a few a lived like extreme parasitic kings but majority like poor sri lankans (see reality of GDPP & before war)

was stated as the most corrupt nation in Europe the worst poverty most HIV cases and has the worst out of control Rabies in all Europe

Irish paying in so many ways! Just on Pets!

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Irish Government spends €808k on Ukrainian pets

REALITY WAS the typical Ukranian was as poor as someone from Sri Lanka!

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REALITY WAS the typical Ukranian was as poor as someone from El Salvador !!!!

Or in brief! mos are not ever going home are they! not when they get all handouts free money from our tax payers, just say you are from ukraine no waiting around few to no questions just handed out your money !

the figures show just how corrupt ukraine was - when a few lived like extreme parasitic kings but majority like poor sri lankans

Contrary to the media BS & puppet zelensky!

Ukraine was Not and Never has been any idyllic democracy.


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Ukraine was number 1 in Europe for Corruption
Ukraine was number 1 in Europe for Poverty
Ukraine was number 1 in Europe for Rabies
Ukraine was number 1 in Europe for HIV -

Ukraine is a state that makes the average typical Turk look extremely wealthy in comparison!
These are before the proxy war! so no credible blaming Russia
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but no credible immigration checks!

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The Ukraine before war!



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Even Bill Gates singled called out so called just so great ukraine out

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REALITY WAS the typical Ukranian was as poor as someone from Sri Lanka!

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REALITY WAS the typical Ukranian was as poor as someone from El Salvador !!!!

Or in brief! most aint ever going home are they! not when they get all handouts free money from so selectively!

the figures show just how corrupt ukraine was - when a few lived like extreme parasitic kings

This Ukranian Oligarch billionaire happens to be Jewish who it is claimed has funded Azov and far right white nationalist extremists.Irish Community Images

Claims he also funded the President

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None of that was or is intended to be informed to you by RTE or the any of the Politicians who order them not to ask such serious concerning questions on your behalf!

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Frankly this current war is not our war, it is just the latest in line of so many proxy wars £ $ one of the many wars where millions of human beings are dying needlessly around the world , perverts on all sides holding their side up as supposed heroes! all sides do this nationalist BS!

so why is ukraine so special? a place most could not even point to on a map before Feb 22,
Why is it in any way special?

Reality is most Irish do not want them here in such numbers, especially when they arrive unchecked no one knows their background or likely even if they are from Ukraine.

Ireland can not look after it's own properly, can not look after the far too many economic immigrants here from across EU and outside (we have taken them in in far higher numbers than any other EU nation, likes of Poland estonia czech republic etc,, had basically zero before now!

So lets have some context! and stop the BS claims of how may we have here!
typically another promoted most by the womd uk who revel in war but don't want the refugees their weapons help cause!

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btw the numbers of non eu in the eastern europe countries are mainly Russians dual or sole citizens who have lived there (as in ukraine) for generations, there are most certainly not like for like with Irelands numbers who are recent and mainly economic immigrants from all over!

That show as selective arguments about the numbers Ireland is taking in any fair context!

have done did so before this bs war.

Certainly Do not want to pay for any ukranians to be here (POLAND BTW IS STOPPING LIMITING THEIR LOW BALL WELFARE to ukranians) Do not want them to be here, let alone to pay for them in so many ways.

Most Irish by now know that unchecked immigration is a grave mistake deadly for too many victims of the most serious crimes.

We have EU puppet politicians en-masse regardless of party who are scared to break ranks and ask common sense questions for fear of being labelled a putin bot.

The likes of the pathetic (almost as much as he is dangerous to the citizens of Ireland) eu techers pet mehole martin, even thinks he can PC point fingers at anyone who thinks being Irish even means something in Ireland!
mehole martin not only thinks we can keep on taking refugees, but points fingers at anyone who asks as question or says he and his partner in coalition can't even look after 'our own' people.

As if we citizens of Ireland have no right to say a word of the housing crisis already here and here since 2019 at least,

That dangerous clown mehole martin clearly thinks that you or anyone you vote for have no right to even ask a question of who comes in!

That's how arrogant how perverse meholes mindset on this is!

You have no right to even question!

Wonder how many refugees that gobshyte has in his own home?
We know for sure wont be his kids who have to leave Ireland because they can't even afford to rent a basic home.

The man and his ilk have done more damage to the Irish in Ireland than
anything else in recent times.

Let us be clear we could not give a f for putin or Russia any more than any other foreign nation.
But few of us believe because of the statistics from wars like Iraq Syria Lybia and so many other destroyed nation and mass millions of immigrants and refugees causes by same , that russia is especially bad!

Lets not forget to quick the illegal war in Iraq for example killing a million or so mainly innocents in bragged shock and awe! or the billions spent over decades replacing the Taliban with the Taliban!
Carried out by the current cliche spin - so rules based international world order!

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Ireland already had (unlike the eastern european nations supposedly held up as having more, the likes of Poland not long ago stating to the EU they would not be not accepting any immigrants) unprecedented immigrant numbers here.

Prior to this latest proxy war of competing empires
Ireland had a non national percentage of population of approx 17% and as was quoted by the likes of Bildeberg group man Peter Sutherland, actually this uncontrolled immigrants happened inside 10 years!

So Ireland unlike the much quoted estonia poland czech repubplic etc, unlike all of them (we had hundreds of thousands of them here) already had a immigration that we clearly could not properly look after - before ukraine!

So its especially perverse that the disgusting remarks of the ukranian ambassador to Ireland
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actually has the nerve to criticize Ireland for not having instant beds for them all as soon as they turn up!

Has any of the ukranian puppet politicians even dared to suggest this about the uk and USA who do not and will not accommodate ukranians refugee or not in anywhere close to the numbers what Ireland has done per head of population!

How many has she got in her embassy or home?
Has she put up a single one is accommodated by her personally in her home?

uk and usa who are only keen to send weapons just as in Syria, did not want the refugees caused by the destruction of their proxy wars.

When Irish people and non nationals alike can't even get a place to rent!

Enough of the absolute pish take.
enough is too many!

NO more from Ukraine and no more from anywhere that have as now zero checks.Irish Community Images
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It's just another power grab & opportunity for weapons manufacturers that yet again the ordinary people pay the price for.


Because you just accept the lies & BS


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update 2025
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