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british sent over agents to rob Irish banks & blame IRA
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british sent over agents to rob Irish banks & blame IRA Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Mister Gael
Irish Forums Member
Location: u.s.a
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
british sent over agents to rob Irish banks & blame IRA
Would not put it past them to send out a kind of warning! and that would
be just the sort of cynical trick the British supposed security (mass illegal surveillance of their own people and everyone else as Ed Snowden leaks showed)
Would be just so like the state that was bugging every phone call from all of Ireland during the troubles, that organized state sponsored terrorism such as the Dublin and Monaghan bombings.
A supposed state security agency that sent over convicted criminal littlejohn brothers to Ireland to encourage terrorism and rob banks and pretend the IRA were behind it.
The uk that still holds state files secret from over a century ago!
The ironically named uk calls out Russia and their spies.
No one is at like the british state, the most insecure secretive and invasive
in the western world.
uk is currently under investigation for abuses of hunan rights of freedom.
Littlejohn english criminals sent over by crown to rob Irish banks
Any more info on these british littlejohn criminals sent over by the british crown security as british state salaried agent provocateurs?
I read one of these english petty crimials was sent over pretending to be a businessman!! so he was completely set up by the crown services to rob banks in Ireland.
So the british crown so called security services were actively promoting terrorism, in attempt to discredit Irish nationalists & to divide.
No one ever really charged with extremely serious offences, is there ever anyone charged? seems never when the british crown were the ones actually behind it!
Al hushed up.
When you consider the thousands of Irish locked up without charge without proper courts or jury, it is a wonder how some crimes were never solved"
Especially when we know when it suited the british fitted up any Irish as the supposed guilty.
Makes you wonder about other supposed PIRA events & who actually were behind them! namely british agents or former british army
The Irish court lawyers should at the very least re examine all such events and see if any of those involved , kidnapped or supposed civillians / by standers were ever former (likely still salaried under cover) british military.
The british crown have a long history of using supposed 'retired' former officers and supposed discharged personell as agents of the brtiish state abroad.
All unsolved but supposed kidnappings, actual terrorist bombings & murders in the Republic should be looked at again and with a open mind, & one that actually considers the possibility - could the british crown state have carried it out!
Was their anything to gain for the british crown state? If so it should then be assumed the british state were actually likely behind it, directing it!
This assumption is based on what the british crown state has done not only in Ireland but all over the world.
Every crime imaginable & always did so trying to blame the natives, from Kenya to Ireland.
The British were the real terrorists!
But then why would the Irish state even bother! considering they have not even kicked up a fuss about a known british state terrorism,
Such as the most single lethal crime of the entire british troubles, Thirty-four people, including an unborn baby, died in the Dublin and Monaghan bombings of 17th May 1974. Yet thirty-four years on, nobody has been held to account for the murders. by a no warning bomb by british terrorists
british terrorists who were by accounts of independent review aided by if not directly controlled by the british crown.
Briitsh terrorism for their so called queen & country the historically hanoverian germanic inspired & laughably named so called united kingdom
Westminster British Crown Terrorist murders & bombings in Ireland
PIRA bombings, how many were British undercover bombings
Collusion Westminster approved British Terrorists UDA