| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Ireland for sale, ASIAN immigrant chancers student visa SCAM industry |
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Ireland for sale, ASIAN immigrant chancers student visa SCAM industry
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Ireland for sale, ASIAN immigrant chancers student visa SCAM industry Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Frank Devenny
Sceala Philosopher
Location: Mayo. Ireland
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Ireland for sale, ASIAN immigrant chancers student visa SCAM
Mar 10, 2018
Past 2 decades especially last decade!
What is happening to Ireland is an agenda - a anti native Irish policy - a cultural displacement & cultural crime against the native Irish people
and an economic crime & societal collapse (just like uk) in waiting.
Updated jan 2023 Now posting how easy a touch Ireland is!
Shameless scandal caused by Irish politicians.
AND YOU WONDERED why no homes to buy & rents are so high!
A crisis in every public service!
This indian chancer came here on a supposed student visa, but could not believe how easy it was to "use & abuse Ireland and the Irish" thanks to so called Irish politicians!
international Student Scam on most all of us in Ireland
That boasting chancer from india is just one of tens of thousands taking advantage
extreme Abuse of Ireland by economic migrants is out of control, a likely hundred thousand plus have already come in via this route (think of that per capita)
coming especially from india and pakistan, supposed students!!,
To work!
work via what is now essentially a scam, made so by so called "english language colleges - reality of which means we get endless thousands of low skilled "students" actually working all but full time jobs in the likes of fuel stations.
a scam to to get a visa & passport to permanent residence & free medical card & even invite their aged parents over a from a perverse so called "Irish" government student scheme,!
This foreign student scam is occurring remember while we have record homeless crisis
And is (logically) another reason (as part of uncontrolled immigration) for lack of property to buy or rent and high rents, !
these "students" have to live somewhere!
here where Irish people are forced to leave because of lack of property to rent and or affordable rents. As they subsidize the scam upon them in welfare top ups and medical cards for so called "self funded students"
Irish politicians are enablers of the abuse of, the labeling of and specific targeting of easy touch Ireland- the tens of thousands "foreign students", directly effecting most of all the very poorest citizens of Ireland.
renting from an already extremely short housing stock, sub letting rooms so several if not dozens to a house and thereby out pricing native Irish families even if both are working.
Irish families paying the cost of this Scam.
Just look at the abuse of Ireland, the supposed 'student' visa scheme, this amounts to what it was in the uk. ABUSE.
mainly economic chancers allowed into Ireland, encouraged in by a few greedy natives (at first they will soon be replaced) so as to exploit and abuse a supposed student visa scheme.
So called Politicians know this scam is going on and most could not care less!
They likely benefit financially whilst you and your family pay in so many ways - mostly all seriously negative!
Ireland has a emergency homeless crisis and a health system at breaking point, a school system that is verging on breaking down.
No facilities have been built to accommodate this flood.
Flood and scam it is .
Just look a the number of Indians alone who have made videos to highlight just how Ireland has become an easy target.
international Student Scam on most all of us in Ireland
Enough to make anyone with a ounce of pride in Irish culture weep.
Ireland selling her soul and natives of whatever ancestral background homeless and enduring second class and soon to be third world public services.
because no one pays for all these chancers! few of these supposed students pay tax of any significance.
Ireland and Irish culture will be completely destroyed inside 10 years unless controls, sensible controls on economic migrants and asylum seekers (we have far too many % to population as it is) is done.
Think it is bad now, just wait and see how bad it will get if you sit back and allow the greedy few
who in blind greed abuse and sell their own children's children's souls and futures.
Immigration can be positive - being colonized being swamped never is!
And when Ireland already has a severe homeless crisis among other crisis and worse waiting to happen, the politicians who allow this, do nothing are in effect as bad as the abusing colonial british of the past.
What is happening to Ireland is a anti Irish cultural displacement crime.
No matter what the so called "Irish politicians say "
they collectively have made Ireland a target for every economic migrant scammer from around the world.
When we already have a housing a schools a hospitals crisis
our so called politicians are nothing short of criminally negligent
here are definitive examples of evidence of a system abused, a nation Ireland targeted as a easy easier touch - because of the actions of so called Irish politicians
No matter what the so called "Irish politicians say "
they collectively have made Ireland a target for every economic migrant scammer from around the world.
When we already have a housing a schools a hospital crisis
so called politicians are nothing short of criminally negligent
What is happening to Ireland is a anti Irish cultural displacement crime.
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Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Ireland for sale, ASIAN immigrant chancers student visa SCAM industry � Sceala.com Irish Forums (Ireland) :: Designed In Ireland By Sceala The Irish
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