Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Asian Immigrant dangerous sex predator "security guard"

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Asian Immigrant dangerous sex predator "security guard"

       Asian Immigrant dangerous sex predator   "security guard" Asian Immigrant dangerous sex predator   "security guard" Information
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Hibernian lass

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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Asian Immigrant dangerous sex predator "security guar

You are not likely to hear any of the supposed Irish politicians raise any such concerns, let alone inform you of the clear trend that far too many of these supposed vital immigrants , contain seriously evil dangerous scum among them ,supposed vital workers or so called asylum seekers

Do you seriously daydream what is being encouraged in - allowed into Ireland - will have a different outcome than what has already happened already and every time in UK or Sweden or Denmark or you name the careless corrupt national politicians of any nation that so naively allowed an open front and back door ?.

Could have guessed the ethnic identity of a dangerous sex predator and criminal fraudster employed as a supposed security guard by penneys .

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Sexually assaulting a 15 year old girl and then starting an attempt at fraud blackmail and who knows what else this trash had in plan .

5 years is only enough if this scumbag is sent immediately back to his own country on release.

Abdul Rahman Mohammed is a dangerous evil low life scumbag , Ireland does not want never did need .
DEPORT BACK TO PAKISTAN or where ever he claimed he was from

2018 immigrant sex predators prowlers targeting vulnerable

Or these other trash no Irish ever asked for wanted or supposely desperately needed or so called rely on vital for services.

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Like every other nation we already had too many of our own criminals, we did not ever need to import scores of eastern european knife crime & murders or multiple brazilian wife murderers or african pakistani & indian "taxi drivers" sex predators, seriously dangerous violent crimes of roma from eastern europe, crimes of these immigrants cross over of course but there is more than just a coincidence going on, more a cultural disproportionate trend of the low lifes from these foreign nations we are sadly seeing coming to Ireland.

DEPORT BACK TO where ever These dangerous evil SCUM claimed they were from

Faisal Ellahi, originally from Haripur in Pakistan, jailed for rape of young woman with Down Syndrome.
Implied would have known better NOT TO RAPE in his native land, as "they" would have been labelled / made to wear a badge.

sex predator Grooming gang study reveals 84% are Asian in uk

Roma Romanians Eastern European serious crime rapists - The EU commission own findings are shocking

In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men

That was just Rotherham, there was a similar pattern anywhere the Asian community predominated.

The report also went on to state that "Agencies should acknowledge the suspected model of localised grooming of young white girls by men of Pakistani heritage, instead of being inhibited by the fear of affecting community relations".

Pakistani sex predator gangs in Ireland target vulnerable

This year alone 3 stabbing murders by supposed vital immigrants from Brazil! again WTF are they doing here>??, for what vital purpose - apart from enriching further in a few individual blind greedy exploiters of the low paid - do they serve?

brazilian wife killers not just a recent

Man arrested in connection with murder of Dublin boy Josh ... ' Irish News
THE chief suspect for the stabbing attack that killed 16-year-old Josh Dunne has been arrested by gardai tonight. A Brazilian national ...
28 Jan 2021
Gehlen (39), a Brazilian national, was unanimously convicted by a jury of murdering Ms Colomines (37) at the home they shared on Dorset Square, Gardiner Street Upper, Dublin 1 on October 25th, 2017. ' News
6 Nov 2021' Brazilian national Diego Costa Silva, 32, appeared before the Dublin District Court on Saturday charged with the murder of his wife Fabiole ...

Pakistani immigrant doctor sexually abused patients

Reports from romania itself talk of a "rape culture".

Reality when the numbers are allowed out of control, allowed to form effectively pakistani or bangladeshor or somali ghettos.

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Remember rape is such a evil crime and with tax payers legal aid solicitors willing to not only defend but try and context excuse these scum , put victims through more trauma! likely many times more victims wont even report their life been destroyed by evil scum.

Two teenagers allegedly took turns raping semi-conscious woman in Dungannon, court told
Again predators originally from south Asia - east timor

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Ireland has neither the accommodation of any type let alone public services for all these hundreds of thousands of low no skilled economic chancers, and should never have allowed in any rapist scum .
The peron(s) who approves are enablers part guilty of this evil .

Google - Look at the horrific news or just label anyone who is concerned FAR RIGHT

In Pakistan, rape culture is not only systemic, it is reinforced at every level
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Extreme liberals aka far left claim its a Male problem,
LIES,! simplistic at best!
EU STATS SHOWs rape is very much more an accepted crime in certain cultures and a real problem

From 2018
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More will be coming as harris and martin and all want / need their votes at election times.

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DEPORT EVERY ONE OF THESE EVIL SCUM BACK TO PAKISTAN or where ever they claimed to be from

Ireland needs to stop being taken advantage of Iris people need to demand action now and stop their so called politicians put people at risk of these evil scum.

Yet Another supposed vital contributing enriching asian of no / low skilled but a serious sex criminal.

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How did this criminal scumbag get into Ireland?
so vital - To deliver take aways ??

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