Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Russia & Ukranian war crimes & Ukranian vigilantes are perverse extremists.

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Russia & Ukranian war crimes & Ukranian vigilantes are perverse extremists.

       Russia & Ukranian war crimes & Ukranian vigilantes are perverse extremists. Russia & Ukranian war crimes & Ukranian vigilantes are perverse extremists. Information
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Sceala Philosopher
Location: Kilkenny

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Russia & Ukranian war crimes & Ukranian vigilantes a

Personally feel so sad for all victims of war, especially the completely innocent, which is always the majority of victims the majority who are killed.

Before we accept without question all the claims of the ukraine president!
How many times now were the 'next 48 hours' critical.
Who exactly was firing at chernobyl (some witness claim it was the militia of Ukraine)
Who was killing thousands of ethnic Russians in the Dombass since 2014?
The United nations officially blamed both sides for war crimes, torture and murder of innocent civilians.

What has really been going on in Ukraine carried out by extremist Ukraine war crimes.
Ukraine Human Rights Abuses War Crimes carried out by Ukranians

Before we all just accept the one sided story & go pointing all our fingers at Russia,
It pays to wait and consider the actual evidence of just who were the good guys! are there any good guys?
But that takes time and actual research of what went on by journalists who are no longer scared of not conforming to narrative.

Takes time to know the real truths of any horrific event, let alone events in the middle of the madness of war.

But right now
Problem is both sides propaganda convinces scares enough, especially young immature into hate to justify killing.

Years on for example we now know the many war crimes carried out by the supposed good side in the Iraq special operation.

The US Marine in this said in the full documentary- about a road block & how the Iraq people could not read the signs the Americans had written in Arabic!

We killed every one of em,
Granpa, mommy and the kids.

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And he still thinks it was worth it! has to be worth it as whats the alternative? he considers!!!

How about not volunteer to go murder strangers for pay or some supposed honor in a flag?

He might be a extreme example, I'm sure there are many veterans who unlike him only consider the victims the crimes they did!
as Frankie Boyle would say

Irish Community Video

Almost as corrupt and twisted as this woman.

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If she were attired in a Nazi uniform & spoke with a German accent we would recognizer and call out the cruel twisted inhumane insanity!.

Call out all wars, stop these nations and those business who promote conflict and divisions for profit or gain.

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