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Georgian on fake Polish passport illegal immigrant predator

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Sceala Philosopher
Location: Carlow

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Re: Georgian on fake Polish passport illegal immigrant preda

Brian T Dublin wrote:
This is not an0ther anti immigrant moan per se, it is a what is going on here serious concern!
that human trash sex criminal like georgian bagrat Kudzievi are even doing here?

illegal georgian immigrant of fake Polish passport jailed for 'degrading' sexual assault outside Cork club

This is not another anti Eu moan, this is a serious question of why Irish politicians are failing the people of Ireland & so carelessly and dangerously

Really sick that so many of economic immigrant evil trash are coming to Ireland & carrying such evil LIFE CHANGING crimes for their innocent victims, native & immigrant alike.

Ireland it seems carries out few no credible ID checks are being carried out and economic migrants consider Ireland a joke to do as they please, obtain a PRSI number & obtain benefits and treat Ireland & especially the inhabitants of Ireland like dirt.

This is clear as the number of serious violent crimes & sex attacks & rapes are too numerous to be just a few sick trash getting past the system.

This evil trash georgian bagrat Kudzievi, came here like others on false papers, what other crimes has the human scum bagrat Kudzievi carried out, before a brave young girl made sure he at least stopped for now.

What is the judge even giving scum georgian bagrat Kudzievi a choice of to leave the state, he is a illegal serious criminal, & should be deported & dumped at a airport in Georgia.

The way things are here, with no political party doing or saying anything about the number of serious and dangerous illegal criminals living here , then scum like georgian bagrat Kudzievi will just get another false passport to carry out LIFE CHANGING sick depraved crimes against innocent young girls.

Sick that the Irish people pay the legal aid for this sick depraved illegal immigrant trash, sick that any Irish solicitor would even consider putting forward drink as a plausible remote excuse of any kind in these extreme sex predator criminal circumstances.
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Plenty of people get drunk day in day out all over the world, very few ever consider carrying out predatory sex attacks because of.

Neither of those reported defense points made, carry absolutely no relevance what so ever to a crime like this, except that scum is likely to be difficult to fight off, & more importantly for the lawyers - the Irish public pay for the scums legal supposed defense.

The trash bagrat Kudzievi likely has not come to attention before now as he uses false identities! and sadly as we all know most victims are failed by the supposed justice system and many if not most never even report crimes against them, no matter how serious.

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This is a Irish political failing, the EU are not to blame, georgia is not even in the EU.

Legal or illegal immigrants are not to blame en-masse or the direct cause of this problem!
the direct cause is Irish politicians allowing / encouraging the clearly wide spread abuse of the system and far more serious of the people of Ireland, decent native & immigrant alike.

Irish politicians have far more important things to be doing than looking at let alone putting right a system that is out of / no control.

Irish politicians do not appear to care less that they have allowed Ireland to become a place for so many serious criminals & sex predatory rapists abusers.

Sure as long as Irish politicians get paid OTT & know they can come around to ask (enough naive & selfish who likewise could not care less ) for your vote come election time, wh0 cares how many people in Ireland are victims of their lack of duty to care.

immigrant sex predators in Ireland prowlers targeting vulnerable
immigrant sex predator gangs in Ireland targets vulnerable

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