Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Jack Charlton one of the great things to happen to Irish

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Jack Charlton one of the great things to happen to Irish

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Irish Author Jack Charlton one of the great things to happen to Irish Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Boogie Wonderland

Irish Forums Member
Location: Cavan

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Jack Charlton one of the great things to happen to Irish

Jack Charlton was not only the best and most succesfull manger of the Irish soccer team.

He made the Irish and most especially the Irish in Britain have some tangible pride at a time when Irish people were mocked and ridiculed, basically treated like white niggers as Elvis Costello meant.

Living as the children of Irish emigrants in Britian in the 1970's and 1980's even into the 1990's was zero Nothing like it is today.

The Irish were treated all too often like dirt in Britain, and their so called gracious queen and that monarchy boliix, never once said a thing.
Low life scumbags to this day use and sing her name as they show their ignorant racism just like their oaf parents had before .

Jack Charlton gave the Irish people a team to pin our colours to and to say *naughty word used* U we are Irish and proud, no more forget who we are an blend into meaningless british bolix. (only has meaning for the Germanic mafia in their stolen lands and palaces)

God Bless Jack Charlton, by default or design, he made a people quiet for too long, too many actively made feel ashamed of being Irish a minority, not the majority!

How ironic that for all of Ireland's ancient history and culture, some of the oldest names in the world, one of (if not the) the oldest building in the world, one of the oldest languages in the world, all thousand or thousands of years older than so called british, an invention from the 18th century british for hanoverians to rule under a duvet cover all tag (0 weight).

It was Jack Chartlton's team and way of playing and Michael Flatley to raise them up!

God Bless Jack Charlton.

Jack Charlton and Riverdance made a cultural pride in being Irish.

What ever it takes,better, at that time even a veneer of pride was far beter than being a uncle tomas (gay byrne / wogan) or worst so ignorant in their hate of the Irish while made purposely unaware they were Irish themsleves a generation back. the NF and BNP and EDL all morons were full of these tyring to be more english than the english.

Jack Charlton was a lot more to many of us than just a manager of a national team, The English would not even be able to dream of such a passion that was waiting to explode!

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