| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Arelene Foster DUP extreme briti nationalist mentality virus |
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Arelene Foster DUP extreme briti nationalist mentality virus
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Arelene Foster DUP extreme briti nationalist mentality virus Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Babs Hamilton
Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Longford
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Arelene Foster DUP extreme briti nationalist mentality virus
I'm a Protestant, well kind of if you know what I mean, seldom actually attend or practise the religion handed down to me, a typical prod if you like.
Anyway like many another, I'm fair sick of Arlene Foster and other DUP or unionist types using religion and their extreme nationalist mindset for all purposes and perverting as if they speak for us all.
I am Irish not British.
I am really concerned by this woman foster and her ilk, it is evident that the only thing she follows and willing to adapt to in life are things with a union jack attached to.
This is now very concerning for us all in Ireland!
British govt so called experts know better about 'new virus',
as others have mentioned here, Yes sure the same ones who imagined themselves 'better' more able in the financial crisis
Let's hope these are not like the British finance experts same who were shown the most most ignorant and corrupted when the system was revealed as hot air.
Despite China and the other places like Taiwan being obviously the place to listen to right now, the self imagined better brit experts know better.
Just watch next week as the british system and their so called experts hurry to act and then corruptly as per usual try and rewrite the history.
they'll brazenly claim (as they are forced by their own public to act) that they were now acting closing down schools at the right time (as if a day makes a difference, seriously the BS ) and doing it for a specific longer period.
It's not a time to be political and play guinea pigs with people Arlene.
The evidence from experts all around the world says close down, and do it now, yesterday! not on some supposed better british advice who magically somehow know better.
Oh and btw before you try and rewrite your pompous ignorance and beliefs which are solely based on your pathetic (imagined uk) extreme nationalist bias - REALITY CHECK ARLENE
no nation has shut down their schools and promised to reopen, ONLY the shuts downs are absolute! the return dates are obviously fluid, to be assessed with events.
Everyone knows that reality! apart from the naive and ignorant and worse those who will now attempt to try and rewrite their extremes of willing brit nationalist arrogant ignorance with claims you were planning to shut down for four months all along!!
Your experts Knew better knew a even better way and the day!!.
seriously imagine that claim!
Calling bullshit on that one before it happens this week, as boris ad his two supposed know all better than all the other science in the world! try and rewrite their stories via dominc cummings.
there is no science in closing for 3 or 4 or even 6 months either silly silly flag dressed arlene!
Perhaps you do not understand the word novel or new when it comes to your own inherited handed down virus.
There are no facts here, except that proven in nations who have actually suffered and experienced.
The only fact we know here are China health system got overwhlemed did not know what to do at first, but contained and controlled by action.
Italy wished they acted sooner, NO ONE arlene in Italy or China or Taiwan or S Korea or you name it!, you know where the actual experiences have actually occured wished they had your imagined experts who thought they knew better and could call a actual day to act!
So ignorant and pompous are some of these so called royal approved supposed bteer best in world british experts that even Richard Horton, chief editor of the prestigious Lancet medical journal, has called it now!
IN CASE YOU CANT READ LOOKING THROUGH YOUR UNION JACK GLASSES where you actually imagine you rule the waves ARLENE!
Richard Horton, chief editor of the prestigious Lancet medical journal who has criticised Boris Johnson and the Health Secretary, Matt Hancock.
Writing on Twitter Horton said, “The UK Government – Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson – claim they are following the science. But that is not true.
“The evidence is clear.
“We need urgent implementation of social distancing and closure policies. The Government is playing roulette with the public.
“This is a major error.â€
The British Government is playing roulette with the public.
No time for politics true, but it is a time to highlight those in power who are willing to risk human beings for their own pathetic inherited bigotry and nationalistic dangerous nonsense!
Because their beliefs limit them, limit their thinking and reason and freedom to conclude logic!
I went to the DUP Conference and what I found was disturbingly familiar – this is our new Ukip
This is now very concerning for us all in Ireland!
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