Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Modern Irish Race - The Real Typical Irish Mentality

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Modern Irish Race - The Real Typical Irish Mentality

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Frank Devenny

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Mayo. Ireland

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Modern Irish Race - The Real Typical Irish Mentality

Sadly the stereotype of the 'Fighting Irish' is nonsense, if it ever were remotely based on the typical Irish person then it has zero bearing on the modern Irish race, at least the docile unquestioning modern Irish in Ireland, North South East and maybe even West.

Apathetic or a pathetic race sadly just regular a typical of most other supposed races or nationalities.

When you look at todays sad examples, this Irish race of peoples that stood by and basically did nothing as bank Managers robbed them, this Irish race of peoples that stood by and basically did nothing as their own children were told and encouraged to emigrate by successive politicians, this Irish race of peoples that were told to and so stood and cheered along with the a$$holes as the descendants of organised criminals were paraded in front of them as celebrities to be especially honored.

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The King of the A$$holes is safe still

This pathetic breed rely upon complete BS images on phoney millionaires like Geldof and Bono, a pair of modern Marie Antoinettes gone sour, to imagine themselves as doing something.

Go vote how you were told, go believe all you are told on the supposed news, despite them providing no actual evidence, just repetition of what they want you to believe until you not only accept it without question, but would slam anyone for daring to question it, whatever it was you were now convinced about despite actually having no evidence just memories of what were in actuality presented selective crafted stories.

Nothing but a collective of
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And besides as we know, it does not matter what the result is, because if the modern Irish race vote the wrong way, they will stand by and do nothing as they are told to vote again and get it right this time.

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