Irish Forums Message Discussion :: British police who tortured the Birmingham Six

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British police who tortured the Birmingham Six

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Clan Malley

Sceala Philosopher

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     British police who tortured the Birmingham Six

Does anyone know if the Queen of Britain decorated the British police who tortured the Birmingham Six?
We know that the Queen of Britain decorated those involved with false claims and actions of Bloody Sunday.

It does not add up, why the British state has placed a 75-year public interest immunity certificate on the Birmingham six case!
More British cover ups using classified files by the most secret state on earth, North Korea would be proud.

The cynic and investigative historian alike would be asking what thosein power in the British state are trying to keep covered.

A reminder of what Irish people endured in recent times in a Britain that actively encourages anti Irish racism.
Comedy to the newspapers could say what they wanted in a negative light about the Irish.
Different times today, but people should not just forget how a state, the British state behaved.

The Birmingam six were tortured in a fashion that the British media like to suggest others do!

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What a crime the British police who tortured the Birmingham Six did, not only direct crimes against humanity, but they knew they were torturing innocent people.

Paddy Hill had a revolver stuck in his mouth several times and the British police thug pushed it in smashing Paddys teeth so badly it hurt sipping water.

"They jammed a pistol in my mouth and smashed it around, breaking my teeth so badly it was agony to even have a sip of water until I finally saw a dentist, two weeks later. They told me they knew I was innocent but that they didn't care: they had been told to get a conviction and that if I didn't admit to the bombing, they would shoot me in the mouth. They slowly counted to three, then pulled the trigger. They did that three times. Each time, I thought I was going to die," says Hill, pulling up his lip to show his toothless upper gum before rolling down his trouser leg to reveal scars and cigarette burns he says were meted out to him later by the same policemen.

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