Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Irish victims of EU criminals take EU to court human rights

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Irish victims of EU criminals take EU to court human rights

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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Irish victims of EU criminals take EU to court human rights

Irish Victims (or any visitor in Ireland) who are victims of known European serious criminals, should take the EU to court.
These European (often eastern european) criminals who have crossed border to carry on a life of crime, have been encouraged to do so by the EU laws. Victims should take the EU to court for abuse of their human rights, their right to basic protection from these low life criminals.

To even read the following and in the knowledge that some solicitors office is making money by representing such serious foreign criminals, makes Irish people very angry.
The EU laws are both wrong and perverse.

A young American tourist in Ireland is raped by a Latvian low life and this low life uses the insanity of the lawless Eu to demand rights to be in Ireland.

A convicted rapist has brought a High Court challenge against the decision to remove and exclude him from the State after he had served his prison sentence.

The action has been brought by Latvian national Deniss Kovalenko, now aged 32, who was convicted of raping an American student in Galway on Valentine’s night in 2004.

Kovalenko, who had been living in Galway City, claims the decision by the Minister for Justice to remove and exclude him is unfair and amounts to a violation of his and his family’s rights under the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

He claims that as a citizen of the European Union he is entitled to reside in Ireland

Britain is already destroyed by the lawless and mass immigration of people who do not get on with each other (often hate each other) created by the laws of their own perverse old colonial empire.

While the so called United Kingdom (joke label) is getting a taste of what its leaders did to other nations in the past, cynically divided for profit.

Ireland has no historic reason to accept any African or Eastern European criminal here, what so ever, and we need not put up with the lawless EU.

We need to get out of the EU quickly before our nation is broken, and start protecting the Irish citizens and decent visitors to Ireland.

Irish victims of known EU serious criminals, must be brave and stand up to stop this lawless open border paradise for low lives, and take legal action against the EU, take these Brussels bureaucrats to court of Human rights.

EU free movement for immigrant rapists and criminals

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