Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Pope on Twitter Irish followers flock to retweet

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Pope on Twitter Irish followers flock to retweet

   Irish Movies    Pope on Twitter Irish followers flock to retweet Pope on Twitter Irish followers flock to retweet Information
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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- Pope on Twitter Irish followers flock to retweet
Irish Author Pope on Twitter Irish followers flock to retweet Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Pope on Twitter Irish followers flock to retweet

Wonder how many new Irish followers the Pope gets now that he is on twitter.
Irish Community Images
The Pope on Twitter, what a joke.
Take away those who openly use twitter for business and those who cynically abuse it for hidden business means. Leaves billions of senseless tweets and re tweets of the very bored and lonely.
Twitter is a pitifully sad reflection of modern society and the pointless use of technology. Bored people tweeting and re tweeting boring tweets of irrelevance.
This bacon roll is Yum yum
Nothing credibly social about twitter, it is anti social garbage.

How many sad and bored unionists will be signing up just to abuse the Pope and his Billion plus flock followers.
Perhaps that sad and bored sub human tribe will be too busy burning Irish flags in some supposed campaign aimed at saving their butchers apron.

Pope is twittering now.

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