Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Unemployment in Ireland immigrants prevent jobs creation

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Unemployment in Ireland immigrants prevent jobs creation

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Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Unemployment in Ireland immigrants prevent jobs creation

The European Union problem for Ireland.
Summarized by Frank D.
This is the unemployment and jobs creation blind alley for Ireland in the European Union.
Irish Community ImagesWe are living in very troubled and very sad times. Where our politicians make sound bites about unemployment and suicide, sound bites about the young Irish forced into economic emigration every day.
They never even mention the tens of thousands of Europeans and other non nationals (that we have little or nothing in common with, and who the Irish owe nothing to) - who continue to come into Ireland to take welfare benefits and line up for any and every job created.
This is now a Ireland where being Irish counts for nothing special inside of Ireland.
Enda Kenny, why the pretense any more?
When any of the hundreds of millions of Europeans are allowed to come to Ireland, a small nation, and claim every right. Europeans can come in such numbers to make our sovereign claim irrelevant.
Irish Community Images

Irish Community ImagesEnda Kenny Jobs budget joke.
How can any single nation in Europe plan for jobs? When the simple math say - several hundred million EU immigrants can apply for any job created in any nation!
Kenny's claims are complete nonsense. Inside a EU of open borders, Ireland can never have a national jobs plan!
That is mathematical fact the politicians seem to be oblivious to. Certainly they do not want to talk about such basic economics openly in front of the Irish public. The reality!
Irish Community Images

Ireland inside the EU, can never have a credible jobs creation plan.
This is not racist or anti immigrant statement. It is a fact of Ireland in the European Union. It is pointing out the truth, Ireland a nation of under 5 million, forced to leave the front and back doors open to hundreds of millions of European economic immigrants.
The Irish people never envisaged this.
Those that shout racist or say these claims are false. They can shout nonsense, but they refuse to answer what Donal asked.
Do they lock the doors to their own homes, or leave them open for anyone to come in, help themselves.
That is the reality comparison that the EU forces on Ireland as a home nation.

Unemployment is here to stay in Ireland, because EU economic immigrants will make irrelevant any national jobs creation plan. Mathematical fact.

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