Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Enda Kenny Address to the nation United states Europe Budget

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Enda Kenny Address to the nation United states Europe Budget

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Irish Author Enda Kenny Address to the nation United states Europe Budget Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Frank Devenny

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Mayo. Ireland

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Enda Kenny Address to the nation United states Europe Budget

Just witnessed Enda kenny give his address to the Irish nation. Did you notice the EU flag was equally prominent for what was supposed to be a national address!
Our own national flag of Ireland is now clearly demoted to equal status, to a flag no Irish voted to have so dominant.

Anyone else notice Enda kenny's clenched fists throughout his address. What was he guarding? the reality!
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It was sad and pathetic having to view Enda Kenny and his charade address to the nation. Enda Kenny claiming he is bringing in this budget.

Enda, stop the pretense, we all know the Germans have made and approved the budget 2011 - 2012 - 2013 and onwards for Ireland.
We all know that Irish politicians are under the control of European masters. We know, we just can't accept that Enda Kenny our elected leader, does not have the ultimate managing power in Ireland, he is a puppet of the EU.
No Irish leader ever will have any real power inside this new undemocratic and sinister European monster. The new EU is a creation of multi nationals and corporate finance. The individual national democracies will play secondary roles, smaller nations like Ireland will have no power, voiceless, reliant upon the goodwill of unelected unknowns.

Enda Kenny's national address & budget is a charade.
We all know that Ireland - under any of our main parties is no longer a genuine independent nation inside the emerging Europe Union.
The Republic of Ireland is now only a claim, a aspiration once again.

We are living in very troubled and very sad times. Where our politicians make sound bites about unemployment and suicide, sound bites about the young Irish forced into economic emigration every day.
They never even mention the tens of thousands of Europeans and other non nationals (that we have little or nothing in common with, and who the Irish owe nothing to) - continue to come into Ireland to take welfare benefits and line up for any and every job created.
This is now a Ireland where being Irish counts for nothing special inside of Ireland.
Enda Kenny, why the pretense any more?
When any of the hundreds of millions of Europeans are allowed to come to Ireland, a small nation, and claim every right. Europeans can come in such numbers to make our sovereign claim irrelevant.

Enda Kenny needs to read the claim that between 30- 40% of those getting rate supplement are non nationals. 40%! and people wonder why we are so broke.
Is it even possible to budget for this free for all?
If Enda Kenny was serious about the budget for Ireland.
Enda Kenny would have done something about this scam for Landlords, courtesy of the tax payers of Ireland.

Kenny needs to study basic mathematics before claiming he is fit to make national budgets.
Enda Kenny does not seem to be aware that -
Repossessed homes in Ireland are being sold in distress auctions - often to non nationals. These scavenger opportunist buyers can then get the Irish tax payers via the so called Irish Government to subsidize their tenants, up to 40% of who will be more non nationals.
This perverse carry on while NAMA sits on whole estates that could house them all, and more without further subsidy.
If End Kenny is aware that - why has he not stopped another scam for more opportunist landlords.
How many billions could be saved by doing the obvious?
The math is simple, but those who make on the public housing scam want to make it all appear complicated.
More corruption and nothing will be done by Enda Kenny in this budget.

Enda Kenny Jobs budget joke.
How can any single nation in Europe plan for jobs? When the simple math say - several hundred million can apply for any job created in any nation!
Kenny's claims are complete nonsense. Inside a EU of open borders, Ireland can never have a national jobs plan!
That is mathematical fact the politicians seem to be oblivious to. Certainly they do not want to talk about such basic economics openly in front of the Irish public. The reality!

The United States of Europe by the back door
The business interests, the multi-nationals that dominate Europe, they obviously want to do away with independent nations. With so many different economic cultures and laws, Europe is richer culturally, but less predictable for big business.
Genuine Independent nations make multi-national business forecasts difficult, subject to too many unknown variables.

The European problem for business interests
Before the economic meltdown no nation anywhere in Europe, would have even considered voting for a united Europe with such all encompassing powers.
No nation (including Germany), would have voted for a centralization of power for so many different foreign nations, of stark variant economic states.
Why would any nation want unknown non nationals, want unelected officials to govern them?

The European solution for business interests
This is what the Irish and European economic disaster was really about, was all planned for.
The united states of Europe is being forced upon us through shock tactics.
The European super rich have got even richer, the big multi nationals now even bigger.
The economic crisis, reminds us who are in control, not us!

The destruction of the working class and middles class of independent nations was planned.
The economic meltdown was planned to scare people. To terrify people to such a degree that they would feel power less, feel they must do as they are told, for a handout, for survival.

The European solution plan for business interests is working
They have scared enough nations now, terrified enough into considering voting for what ever way they are told.

The budget and Enda Kenny Address to the nation inside of a United states of Europe
This budget and all subsequent budgets for Ireland for the future, if inside of a united states of Europe.
Only one fundamental is for absolute certain - that the management for Ireland's budgets are not going to be controlled by those democratically elected to do so by the Irish people.
Our vote will be made null and void, because no over riding input or veto will be allowed for any Irish leader, Enda Kenny or other.
Ireland's leaders under the new Europe will be told what to say, and how to behave.
Ireland's leader under this planned united states of Europe, will be a show puppet.
Europe will plan our national budget, and instruct Enda Kenny what he must say to sell it.
German and French owned Multi nationals control Ireland PLC
Enda Kenny will be handed the script for the Irish budget by those working for interests of the multi nationals that now effectively control Europe.
The Irish budget 2013 and on is going to be unpleasant.
If we do nothing, the future will be fixed.
A united states of Europe will be a disaster for Ireland, and most European nations. We are entering a form of 21st century indentured slavery. We will be subject to a master.

These budgets and cuts are because of European corruption. The European Central Bank that sanctioned corruption.
The corruption occurred because Irish politicians are part of the European corruption. Irish politicians are on the big salary paid from European budgets.
Who are they going to serve, us or their European pay masters?
Ireland's response to another European budget.

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