Irish Forums Message Discussion :: United Kingdom oxymon - a united England will it ever happen

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United Kingdom oxymon - a united England will it ever happen

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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- United Kingdom oxymon - a united England will it ever happen
Irish Author United Kingdom oxymon - a united England will it ever happen Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Brian T Dublin

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     United Kingdom oxymon - a united England will it ever happen

The uk could be the definition of irony, certainly a definition for a oxymoron.
Much like the notion of 'british' a 18th century invention designed to benefit most of all the Germanic saxe coburg und gotha crime family aka royals.
The supposed uk is not just a invention, with no real credence at least in any organic democratic sense,
The myth of a United Kingdom or even a united England.
How naive are those British and Unionists who somehow imagine it is just Ireland that has a aspiration to be a united nation.
Have any of them ever been to any part of Britain and found a credible unity & ethnic harmony.
The Hanoverians need for a suffix in their design was not accidental.

The United Kingdom!
The visitor would need to be blind and deaf to not soon realize just how united Ireland generally is in comparison to the supposed United Kingdom.
The EDL, The BNP, The NF, Scottish Nationalists, Welsh Nationalists, Islamic militants, Tory Royalists, Republicans. Black militants, White militants, Far left to the far right, add up to a useful definition of 'Oxymoron'.

The United Kingdom is a oxymoron.
It is not a United Kingdom, and England is less united than Ireland is. A United England or United Kingdom does not exist in any real world sense. Such states are nothing more than paper political claims.
A united England or Kingdom is a aspiration for some, but just as many are indifferent or hold different aspirations.
The only thing united about them all is management by Police. England and the UK are a Police state more than a United state.
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Anyone who has ever traveled much around the supposed United Kingdom and taken in the reality. Witnessed the extremes of poverty and wealth, ghettos and general violent social society. Seen the multiple distinct and quite separate communities, many of who literally hate each other. Anyone who has been to almost anywhere in Britain and taken it in, is well aware of the myth of a United Kingdom.
A United Kingdom is a myth.
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So the question is - in Broken Britain - will there ever be a United Kingdom.
Will it ever happen in a land of such difference and indifference? How can it possibly happen without imposition and violence from one section of the community over the rest. Without banning free speech and freedom of thought in a more openly Police State.
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United Kingdom. A united England will it, can it ever happen.

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