| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: David Norris 1916 rebels terrorists. President of Ireland |
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David Norris 1916 rebels terrorists. President of Ireland
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David Norris 1916 rebels terrorists. President of Ireland Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Paddy in Oz
Sceala Philosopher
Location: Melbourne
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
David Norris 1916 rebels terrorists. President of Ireland
Chatting on FB to mates back home. David Norris is running for President of Ireland. Honestly, I thought it was a great joke at first. I could not believe that David Norris was not only running but is being considered a serious candidate.
Do not get me wrong, I like him, I imagine he would make great company and be so amusing. Everyone knows that Senator David Norris is a great clown, a ranting Anglo Irish Lord who is great for laughing with and at.
If a human could be folly, then David Norris would be a wonder of the world. A throwback to the Nineteenth century, a living caricature from the Victorian Anglo Irish twighlight.
How is David Norris claiming to be a civil rights campaigner? He has only ever campaigned for his own interests, for gays and his boyfriends middle East dodgy interests.
Where was David Norris during one of the most significant and important Civil Rights events in the last century?
This happened in his own country, and he would have been around 25 years old at the time, was David Norris there?
The Civil Rights Association - the most significant civil rights campaign in Ireland
Where was David Norris - the self confessed reared Southern Unionist? Was he doing anything for basic civil rights of Irish people.
He is no genuine civil rights leader, he lives in a Georgian Dublin mansion.
He campaigns for his own self interests, and takes all the credit.
David Norris may be a nice man, he is a funny and well spoken man, but as President of Ireland, what!
This is what David Norris said about his own upbringing.
"My father, who was English, died when I was 6. I only saw him three times because he was back in central Africa working. I was brought up by my Irish relations, who were from an old Gaelic family. They managed to hold onto a huge amount of land until the famine. They were very pro-British: I was brought back from boarding school by my mother because they didn't relay the broadcast of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. I was told on the authority of my mother (whom I implicitly trusted) that the British empire was the greatest thing that had ever happened. I was told that it spread civilization all over the planet and that everyone ought to be extremely grateful to have been colonized! Any attempt to shake off the yoke was an act of extraordinary ingratitude which would be punished."
David Norris claims that he eventually learned that his Mother was not telling the whole story or truths about the British empire. He lives in Ireland and has made a very good living from talking, not infrequently a lot of ranting nonsense. Salaried by the Irish tax payers, David Norris has to keep his true self in check.
David Norris may claim that he is not just like his Mother, but can he ever be free from such extreme bigoted conditioning. Give me the boy before he is 7, and I give you the man is not just a idle or random thought.
His own actions and words seem to conflict with this claim.
The actions and words of Senator David Norris show that he is just like his bigoted and very pro-British Mother.
Just in case you reading back home do not know,
This is the David Norris who campaigns to get Ireland back in the British commonwealth.
David Norris who has often denounced the leaders and Irish soldiers of the 1916 Easter Rising as terrorists.
Even the very British Sunday Times pointed out a potential stumbling block to any presidential bid by David Norris, noting that The next President of Ireland will be in situ for the centenary commemoration of the Easter Rising 2016. It's difficult to imagine President Norris standing proudly at the GPO as the leader of that particular ceremony.
A very wealthy man, who owns at least one Georgian Mansion in Dublin and properties abroad. A man who's Irish connections were not just opposed to a Republic of Ireland, but thought we deserved to be punished for wanting freedom.
David Norris was born into and reared part of the privileged elite. The Anglo Irish elite continued to control a disproportionate amount of the natural resources of Ireland, even after the Republic was proclaimed. David Norris has benefited from all that wealth, and the status that was created by a family of Irish collaborators who worked alongside the British Colonial powers.
David Norris is a fairly efficient self promoting ranter and self serving campaigner, for those limited goals in his public life, he deserves some credit.
But as a President David Norris of Ireland, that would be nothing short of a perverted joke for a Republic of Ireland and most citizens. Lord Deputy of a Free state dominion of empire would have been right up his wealthy tree lined avenue.
Norris is not concerned with the average Irish citizen, and he never has been. His record shows he is more interested in promoting British unionists, than the ordinary Irish people.
We can all hear David Norris marketing himself as Norris the minority President. Has that sales pitch ever really been the principle story of David Norris.
The actual record of David Norris tells a very different story.
David Norris has not worked tirelessly for minorities by any moral principle or absolute social ethic. With showman Norris it was more the case of campaigning for a minority matching self interests and stage promotion.
Where was David Norris when the Irish minority of NI were being persecuted, a made by design minority of his beloved British empire. Where was the loud voice or rant of David Norris when Irish people were being murdered and burned out of their homes by his cherished British empire unionists?
A true leader would have worked equally hard for the rights of the opposite of his social background, not promoting self interests.
To be fair in context to David Norris, there is no doubt that he would have passed, and with flying colors the 19th Century British colonial Lord Deputy exam.
Self serving elite David Norris fails utterly the litmus test for 21st Century leadership.
What went so wrong with Ireland that old wind bag Senators like Norris and Ross, both dangerously over inflated with pompous blusterings of self promotion, are presented by most media as some kind of working class heroes. Those two typify the Golden circle of Anglo Irish elite that has held Ireland back for centuries. Both born into and reared part of the privileged elite, doubtful if either would have gained a position of any public note were it not for their born advantage.
Some people on here have labeled Vincent Brown a champagne socialist. What does their theory make Senator David Norris? The Chairman of the Beluga caviar Communist party.
If David Norris becomes the President of Ireland, then the Irish will have made a joke out of Ireland. The Irish would be seen as a joke around the world, and for the first time ever in Irish history, even among the Irish emigrants.
When a nation loses all respect for its founders, the brave men and women of 1916 and their sacrifices, it loses all credibility.
Get out while you can.