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British Queen's visit to Ireland itinerary

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Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Wicklow

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     British Queen's visit to Ireland itinerary

I should not need to re-state this notice again, but feel I should.
I have no personal admiration for the British monarchy, or any other monarchy ...I am not defending or promoting the British Queen or Royal Family.
I consider all such institutions both archaic and illogical ....rather immature hangovers from historically uneducated and servile eras ....that have long since expired in the vast majority of modern nations.
I do agree with those who state that ...the British Royal family of today and of the past, have directly benefited from a variety of crimes in Ireland ...that caused unimaginable sufferings to many of the native Irish people.
Yes ...The British Royal family still benefit from historical crimes in Ireland ...crimes that would today's standards be considered as War crimes.
Despite all the past ...I do not believe it is my moral right to dictate in any manner who can or should represent any other nation.
Section of concerning the proposed visit and itinerary of the British Queen to Ireland.
For those interested in ...praise or protest at the visit of the British Queen to Ireland. It appears that the itinerary will include ...Kilkenny and Lismore.

Minimal security as duke and UK ambassador go walkabout
Times have changed. There was minimal security on the streets of Kilkenny yesterday during a walkabout by the British ambassador and the Duke of Abercorn.
The two men were on a private visit, hosted by Paul Smithwick of the former brewing family, but their tour of high-profile tourist attractions inevitably resulted in speculation that Kilkenny may be included on the itinerary for next year’s state visit by Queen Elizabeth.
During lunch at Kilkenny Castle they were shown photographs of the last royal visit – by Edward VII and Queen Alexandra in 1904. Until he retired last year, the duke (James Hamilton) whose seat is at Baronscourt, near Newtownstewart in Co Tyrone, was lord steward of the household – effectively the queen’s right-hand man at ceremonial events in Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle. While he had not discussed the forthcoming visit with the queen, he was “sure she’s looking forward to it” and believed she would also visit one of the country’s “remarkable” stud farms.

The ambassador, Julian King, was “very pleased by the warmth of the response” to news of the royal visit and “everywhere” he goes in Ireland people are asking if the queen will visit their area, which was confirmation that “it was absolutely right and timely to press ahead with the visit”.
Asked what Ireland should be doing to encourage more British tourists to come to Ireland, Mr King said the tourist industry needed to get out a message about “the quality, the variety and the value of the offer that exists here”.

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James Hamilton, 5th Duke of Abercorn, KG. He is a former politician and Lord Steward of the Household.
Educated at Eton College and the Royal Agricultural College, in 1952 he was commissioned into the Grenadier Guards. In 1964 he became Ulster Unionist MP for Fermanagh and South Tyrone (when he held the courtesy title Marquess of Hamilton). He held his seat in the 1966 election but lost it to a Unity candidate, Frank McManus, in 1970. In 1986 he was appointed Lord Lieutenant of County Tyrone and stood down in 2009. In 1999, he was appointed a Knight of the Order of the Garter, and was colonel of the Irish Guards from 2000 to 2008. Additionally, he was appointed Lord Steward of the Household in 2001, serving until 2009.
He is one of the largest land owners in all of Ireland with more than 15,000 acres (61 km²). His seat is Baronscourt, near Newtownstewart, County Tyrone, the north of Ireland.

It appears that the British Queen's itinerary may also include Lismore.
THE MAYOR of Lismore has extended a public invitation to Queen Elizabeth to visit the west Waterford town as part of her possible itinerary if she visits Ireland next year.
Bernard Leddy of Fianna Fáil said he believed a visit by the queen would be of huge economic benefit in terms of helping to promote tourism in Lismore.
The visit of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles to Lismore in 2004 had helped attract a large number of visitors to the town.
They had been invited by the Duke of Devonshire and stayed at Lismore Castle, which would be an ideal setting from a security point of view for a similar visit by the queen, he said.

“Lismore received tremendous publicity at the time. For four days, Lismore was in all the national papers and TV as well as international media because of the visit of Prince Charles.
“And even today, the staff at our heritage centre tell me that visitors, and not just British visitors, still ask where they stayed. It was a really public relations success for Lismore.”

Mr Leddy said that irrespective of people’s views of the institution of the British monarchy, the fact remains that Ireland had historic and cultural ties with the UK.

“The country within the European Union with the largest number of Irish citizens outside of Ireland is the UK. Millions of Irish people have found refuge and employment there.”

Duke of Devonshire is a title in the Peerage of England held by members of the Cavendish family. This branch of the Cavendish family has been one of the richest and most influential aristocratic families in England since the 16th century
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Duke of Devonshire
Peregrine Andrew Mornington Cavendish
He is reported to have worth of at least £500million ....and has a string of colonial hereditary properties ....including Lismore Castle, along with 42,000 acres of land various rivers and harbours in Ireland.
Irish Community Images
The Duke who is content to be called by his common names of ...Peregrine Andrew Mornington Cavendish ...recently declared that aristocracy is dead. He remains never the less ...a very controversial foreign land owner in Ireland.
The Duke of Devonshire owns vast estates in the Republic Of Ireland. ...20 miles of the River Blackwater and a huge swathe of Youghal Harbour ....and has thus far successfully seen off several legal challenges to the hereditary estates.
Most controversially ....the Duke claims he owns the river beds of the Republic of Ireland ....and therefore the lucrative and highly sought-after fishing rights ....on his vast claimed stretch of the river.
The ownership row has resonance of both a class dispute ...and a hangover from Britain's colonial times in Ireland.
The Duke ...who is the Queen's representative at Ascot and a firm friend of the Prince of Wales ....leases fishing beats (a small stretch of river) to some local anglers ...many of whom want to wrest complete control.
In their eyes he is an absentee English landlord. And while he admits many Irish people believe he has no legal right to the land ...he insists his documents are valid.

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