Irish Forums Message Discussion :: TROLLEYS

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Irish Author TROLLEYS Irish Poetry Writers Forum Irish Message

Sceala Clann Counsellor
Location: Tir Na Nog

Irish Poetry Writers Forum Discussion:     TROLLEYS


In Dublin, they're free for the takin'
But that doesn't happen over here
In Philadel-phi-a, they cost three buckeroos
And ye need to reserve ahead for a year...
(Tra la...Ha ha)

The planes are landin' by the handful
People are told their luggage to collect
But alas and alack! There's no trolleys
Ohh!! This trolley problem really is fecked!
(Tra la...Ha ha)

In Dublin, they're free for the takin'
But not in the U S of A
At Philly Internash, ye'll pay cold hard cash
Or ye'll have ye no trolley today!
(Tra la...Ha ha)

When you ask anyone for a trolley
At Dublin, they're all in a row
And when people are finished they responsibly
Put the trolleys right back where they go...
(Tra la...Ha ha)

But in Dublin, they're free for the takin'
Not so in A-mer-i-kay
'Cause funny, where people PAY for the service
Why how odd, 'tis mismanaged and delayed!!
(Tra la...Ha ha)

In Dublin, they're free for the takin'
All lined up and ready, right as rain
So next time we're trolley-less in Philly
Let's all line up and COMPLAIN!!
(Tra la...Ha ha!!)

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