| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Germany deports illegals & false asylum seekers evil |
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Germany deports illegals & false asylum seekers evil
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Germany deports illegals & false asylum seekers evil Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Dublin
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Germany deports illegals & false asylum seekers evil
JAN 2025
Ireland considered a easy target by immigrant & specifically targeted even by most dangerous evil
cries will only grow and grow because of care less incompetent so called politicians, pathetic naive like martin who not only think record numbers in employment ( many shyte deliveroo no contract type jobs not only useless but negative impacting on Irish family life and society) is a point to boast about, but he does not even consider how his out immigration - out of any control- his personal hand in the destruction of Irish society.
When even the likes of eu pet Schultz asks why was he even in Germany.
Tue Sep 03, 2024
Even Germany has had enough, maybe it was the most recent mass stabbing of innocents that finally tipped the balance back at least towards sanity.
Germany who so naively welcomed in encouraged so called asylum seekers- are now forced to act!
Refugees who holiday in homeland to be stripped of asylum in Germany
Meanwhile Ireland policies are out of control & effectively encouraging these dangerous from middle east (Ireland had no part in destroying via wars- why not let usa & uk who claimed to be so concerned for them to invade - take them all)
Obvious & no wonder a surge of liars false claims after brexit, but now expect 10 times that number from within EU, expect thousands who have been living in Germany for years, expect really evil to chance & target Ireland that place with the most naive so called leaders anywhere in world.
Since a few weeks back, when he Harris was so embarrassed by utter chancers bussed in from uk, living in tents all around dublin claiming asylum!
since that time when harris was looking looking for votes, have you ever heard him even once sound a public concern about total chancers , including dangerous criminals bogus asylum seekers ?
So as even liberal EU wakes up - Ireland is only concerned to build more houses! For who May Lou?
Ireland needs urgent immigration controls not more houses
So as even liberal EU wakes up - Ireland is only concerned to build more houses! For who May Lou?
ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS insane numbers in Ireland
So as even liberal EU wakes up - Ireland is only concerned to build more houses! For who May Lou?
Irish politicians claim extra 10,000 homes built will solve housing crisis
Ireland's policies (if you can even call them that) is sadly run by a never credibly elected by the people -Roderic O'Gorman , a naive at best, imo a danger to Irish people, most especially a danger to women girls , as he is someone who clearly sees no issue with allowing in endless numbers of single males & from parts of the world where women & girls are born second class to be told how to live by men.
So Yes loud & clear imo Roderic O'Gorman & others like him are at very best a very dangerous naive threat to you & your families security, at best!
Homeless crisis Ireland but politicians encourage immigrants - un-elected by the people "to state office Roderic O'Gorman looks so proud of it!
Be really scared of what is coming. If you continue to just allow it.
So again just in case it is not crystal clear, while Germany is urgently trying to rectify its own dangerously naive past policies.
Take note of this for such a dangerously naive comparison to reality!
Asylum seekers will also have benefits withheld if they come to Germany from another European country
Compare to Ireland open door for evil
No doubt free medical card, free legal aid!
See this for utter pish take on Ireland & Irish people payin for tis SCAMMER!
Keep in mind, Germany will not pay welfare for any asylum seeker previous in EU state.
Thanks to Roderic o Gormless,!
Copy the failed usa uk germany systems of so called multi culture.
No wonder why our own children with special needs go without, no wonder our elderly are now put into so called care homes run for profits business owned by multi national investment funds ran by foreigners many who cant even speak english let aloine Irish, no wonder our once functioning hospitals are now like 3rd world war zones, no school or college places, no affordable homes to even rent let alone dream of buying & on & all inside the last 20 years.
You can not expect your own Irish child with special needs to be cared about - how naive when we need to pay for no morals solicitors FREE LEGAL AID WELFARE MEDICAL CARDS TO ANYONE WHO CLAIMS asylum or discrimination.
After all there is only about 8 billion in the world, 41 million in afghanistan, 235 million in Pakistan. 1.4 billion in India (most in Dublin by looks of current state of shyte hole)
Ireland to the really dangerously naive should just accept them all, not a concern for crime or even basic economics, aside of endless bogus asylum seekers we need endless lines of fruit pickers meat packers uber drivers deliveroo workers.
But don't worry, these pathetic over paid not funny clowns I mean politicians, have it all under control just like prior to IMF calling.
Of course it all adds up now, just forget it was only 2008 when we had the IMF in,
But don't forget money wont solve this more recent even more naive evil open door lunacy.
So as night follows day
Be really scared of what is coming. If you continue to just allow it.
Think its no real problem!
Just watch then the number of children in camps who cant wait to be martyrs.
around 30 mins listen to a child from the camps
State clearly
I want to become a martyr and die for God.
Roderic O'Gorman along with all too many so called Irish politicians are naive at best, regardless , because of their incompetence intended or otherwise, they are a real danger to you and your children's future security.
Vote them out ASAP & only vote for people who's priority is for Irish people & our own record number of homeless, our own elderly our own special needs first , before we worry ourselves with the worlds timeless never ending for ever evolving problems.
Ireland is either a nation or a transit camp run for investment funds, just another sad European copy of civil war in waiting usa like the failed copycat oxymoron uk
We have enough criminals,we dont need more or ever need any more dangerous religious freaks.
Will the clown politicians in charge of Ireland be pro active?
Since a few weeks back, when he Harris was so embarrassed by utter chancers bussed in from uk in tents all around dublin claiming asylum!
since that time when harris was looking looking for votes, have you heard him once sound a public concern ?