WTF is going on in this so called country of (until recently seemed ours) ours.
Did we Irish at any time in the 20th century (let alone prior) have or require or need any Asians let alone tens of thousands encouraged in by FG FF in very recent years? Let alone supposedly rely on for services? (perverse cliche claim of some politicians FG / FF / SF / LABOUR)
Did we in Ireland in our thousands of years ever need any Asians let alone supposedly rely on for services?
So why now so many Asians in Ireland? for any role or work ?
In a Ireland with a homeless crisis at that!
Ireland for most of 20th century, had a health service , supermarkets, fuel stations, taxi services (latter 3 where most asians actually work if working)
Services that all functioned quite well (most generally operated better & safer than they currently do for certain)
without Asians or the need of any Asians.
Historical FACT!
No problem with any people from anywhere but what has been going on for around a decade now (under Fine gael / fail) - basically a flood via an open door of Asians- India & Pakistan especially
is a complete parasitic take upon the Irish people.
India is not in EU
Pakistan is not in EU
just like Brazil in south america is not in EU
Minimum numbers (& most all allowed in in the past 10 years - inside a decade)
70,000 brazilians Open door for Brazilian dangerous criminals
110,000 + pakistanis , indians , bangledeshis
No need to allow any in! FACT!
ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS insane numbers in Ireland
Asylum seekers is in context a comparative sideshow distraction
international Student Scam on most all of us in Ireland
That boasting chancer from india is just one of tens of thousands taking advantage
AND YOU WONDERED why rents are so high!
Came here on a supposed student visa, but could not believe how easy it was to "use Ireland and the Irish" thanks to politicians
Among them really dangerous serial rapists child predators just allowed in no real credible checks done it seems
Don't take any Politicians or NI police chiefs claims!
Indian media report on INDIA RAPE CULTURE