Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Enda kenny silence says it all about Fine Gael

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Enda kenny silence says it all about Fine Gael

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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- Enda kenny silence says it all about Fine Gael
Irish Author Enda kenny silence says it all about Fine Gael Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message

Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Belfast and Donegal.

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Enda kenny silence says it all about Fine Gael

The silence of Enda Kenny is unbearable. What have we become when this is the leader of the opposition, the proposed next Taoiseach of Ireland.
A mute leader who is kept hidden away - inside a locked cupboard by his own party because they fear he may put his foot in it, again.
How bad are Fine Gael and Enda Kenny when they do not even feel confident in crisis Ireland.
Fine Gael know that they are no different to what has gone on - they would have made the same mistakes. They were a party calling for even more tax breaks for the greedy rich. They are part of the cozy corruption of the Irish body politic. Kenny is yet another example of the nepotism we know as Irish free state politics - keep it in the family politics. Unexplainable by any logic how these twisters have managed to get away with it for so long - and why the Irish have suffered this charade of democracy gladly.
If only the comedy behind this - supposed choice of a supposed less incompetent - was just funny invention.

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