Irish Forums Message Discussion :: British tory rees mogg - promotes human trafficking of asylum seekers to Ireland

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British tory rees mogg - promotes human trafficking of asylum seekers to Ireland

        British tory rees mogg - promotes human trafficking of asylum seekers to Ireland British tory rees mogg - promotes human trafficking of asylum seekers to Ireland Information
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Irish Author British tory rees mogg - promotes human trafficking of asylum seekers to Ireland Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Frank Devenny

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Mayo. Ireland

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     British tory rees mogg - promotes human trafficking of asylu

UK crown govt so eager to join in wars in Afghanistan Iraq Libya Syria you name it!
UK should accept all these Afghan & Iraqi & Libyan & Syrian people they claimed to care so much for so recently, you know the very same nations they were so keen to go to war for, very same they told who they could have as leaders via bombing their nations to dust .

One of the so called asylum seekers living in a tent interviewed in Dublin said he had been in UK for 17 years! spoke with a london accent

UK crown govt to justify involvement in wars & sending off their mainly poor working class kids to die a pointless death in yet another perverse pointless wars (except of course for UK several global womd arms manufacturers) always so loud about so called freedoms protection rights of the people of Afghanistan etc..

But yet same perverse crown govt (not regular British people to blame here, they are victims too) after needlessly destroying so many foreign nations - never want to accept the very same countless refugees & millions of immigrants their wars have created,

Now the british crown govt expect Ireland to own their problem!

so called 'Upper class' eton tory twit Rees Mogg a Typical brit flag waiving BS hypocrite (Brexit fan but! moved his own company to Ireland after Brexit)

Rees Mogg Brexit promoter!!!!
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Rees Mogg supposed concerned about asylum seekers being used by human traffickers! himself now promoting the human trafficking of asylum seekers

@1.50 Rees Mogg 1.50 sees it as a golden opportunity ' @3.00 promoting human trafficking.

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What a debased evil low life.

no shock to read of another low life corrupt tory Hamilton convicted fraud thief also promoting the human trafficking of asylum seekers

so called 'Upper class' eton tory twit Rees Mogg a Typical brit flag waiving BS hypocrite (Brexit fan but! moved his own company to Ireland after Brexit)
Debased Racist Scumbag is Selective in is supposed morals!

Not only BS on Brexit! (ordinary people pay while scumbag flag waiving multi millionaire makes even more money)
But BS even on his supposed standards beliefs
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pythonesque lord snooty Rees Mogg is a pathetic 19th century bad joke but one far more played on the british themselves.

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