Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Helen McEntee encouraged encourages illegals & chancers

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Helen McEntee encouraged encourages illegals & chancers

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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- Helen McEntee encouraged encourages illegals & chancers
Irish Author Helen McEntee encouraged encourages illegals & chancers Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Kate English

Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Canada

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Re: Helen McEntee encouraged encourages illegals & chanc

BobbyMacQ wrote:
Nov 23, 2023

By not deporting, by so called regularizing illegal immigrants, Multi millionaire Helen McEntee encouraged encourages illegals.


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here are definitive examples of evidence of a system abused, a nation Ireland targeted as a easy easier touch - because of the actions of so called Irish politicians

AND YOU WONDERED why rents are so high!

Came here on a supposed student visa, but could not believe how easy it was to "use Ireland and the Irish" thanks to politicians!

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international Student Scam on most all of us in Ireland
That boasting chancer from india is just one of tens of thousands taking advantage

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No matter what the so called "Irish politicians say "

they collectively have made Ireland a target for every economic migrant scammer from around the world.

When we already have a housing a schools a hospital crisis
so called politicians are nothing short of criminally negligent

IRELAND BTW via pathetic care less for anyone but self so called politicians like helen mcentee have not only allowed but actively encouraged in far more illegals and non eu economic chancers per capita than britain has

Ireland for sale, immigrant chancers student visa SCAM industry

Huge scale of immigration is the cause of the housing crisis in Ireland and is out of control

No matter what the so called "Irish politicians like helen mcentee & michael martin say "

they collectively have made Ireland a target for every economic migrant scammer from around the world.

When we already have a housing a schools a hopsiatal crisis
so called politicians are nothing short of criminally negligent

Out of control Immigrants Ireland aka TRANSIT CAMP - is REASON for high rents

Did not take long to see the Ukraine refugee system abused.

Blame the pathetic Irish governmnt that cares more for non nationals than Irish citizens.

The coalitions, open door just come on in, no checks what so ever needed - is going to be cynically and dangerously abused.

Just like pakistanis who had no right to be here abused the system with sham marriages to eu citizens, Ireland was the last & worst to stop the sham marriages.

This is now far worse!.

It's an open invite for every chancer to serious criminal to pretend & be given access to resources most Irish can not even get!

Sick of this really really sick of this abuse of the Irish people arranged by politicians who do not care for anyone.

Irish Community Images
Aside of the reality Ireland is already in crisis.
Homeless crisis Ireland but politicians encourage immigrants

This reality was before this insane encouragement of numbers that we seriously can not meet the needs of.
200,000 is the equivalent of the usa (who urged on promoted this war along with uk) taking in 13 million.
or uk taking in 2.7 milion

WHAT THESE IRISH POLITICIANS HAVE DONE IS INSANE & a complete lack of care for citizens here.

You wait a few months and see how Irish people are having no place at schools for their children, wait even longer (years) for a hospital appointment and no where to live as all given away to non nationals.

Open door no checks means
Children will be trafficked
Serious Dangerous Criminals will come in & cause harm.

No doubt about it.

We all have to pay for these scammers.

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Any honorable nation would Deport these scammers now, but sadly Ireland is run by people like Helen McEntee,

fine gael fine fail sinn fein are all the same, scared of being labelled racist by extremist supposed liberals!
they are all more interested in non nationals rights than citizens of Ireland,
Helen McEntee will just make them all citizens, without even asking us, tell us like martin its the right thing to do.

Ireland should be neutral in another war started by the usual suspects, usa uk.

Not one party or politician seems to care.
Helen McEntee is very well off financially like most politicians so she just does not care

That there is a housing crisis already in Ireland
That so few homes are even available to rent.
if by chance you find one, she does not care that you can't afford the rent
She will thought tax you & your parents to provide homes for free to scammers like these not refugees but well dressed no stressed scammers.

Ireland is becoming a second rate place for anyone who is actually Irish

We pay for these scammers in so many ways.

Ireland that is full #IrelandisFull
That has some many serious foreign criminals here already #HelensFelons

What exact skills did this insane woman from Kenya have, that Ireland so desperately needed?
As she made her application for whatever asylum or visa, did anyone even ask any questions that might raise doubt about this woman being allowed to be here!

Did she ever do a days work to be able to live in what looks like a very nice house in Foxrock, Dublin.

Ireland needs Background checks to prevent violent criminal foreign nationals entering Ireland

Homeless crisis Ireland but politicians encourage immigrants

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