Irish Forums Message Discussion :: british crown behind extremists terrorists Ireland & Ukraine

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british crown behind extremists terrorists Ireland & Ukraine

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Paddy acting the goat

Irish Forums Member
Location: Antrim

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Re: british crown behind extremists terrorists Ireland &

Paddy acting the goat wrote:
Just like in Ireland, in India in Palestine in every place the british crown has been and has been to steal or benefit from foreign resources.

The british crown govt has been the terrorism teacher & promoter , behind the mask is the uk crown govt , the centuries old number 1 advisor of extremism of divisions in order to conquer to get their cut of the resources their wars are always really about at source.

Just like in Ireland, where the british crown terrorists invaded planted and divided, encouraged promoted extremes of myth blood nationalism and extremes of supposed Christianity,

car bombs
targeting for assassination of officials mayors to politicians to business owners – anyone who opposes their aims. Or their family members
Burning of family homes of anyone.

In Ireland UVF Orange order in Ukraine even Nazis are considered a ally to train for purpose of weapons manufacturers of so called grate britain.Irish Community Images

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