All the talk of more & more houses need to be built!
As the supposed answer.
Short memories with the unsold ghost estates of just a few years ao.
Then the sudden plentiful supply of houses, a collapse in prices was caused from a combination of reasons, specifically blind greed of too many blinkered selfish, enabled and driven by a large number of immigrants since 2004- economic immigrants from Eastern Europe who like us all need somewhere to rent to live.
Today we are told by essentially the same buffoons who sailed us into a mess, we need more & more houses.
What Ireland needs is - urgent immigration controls not more houses
Absolute ignorant (at best) BullShyte, but not just BS its really dangerous BS, that it will only achieve is even more & more economic immigrants -
& mainly low paid low skilled, but who still like us all need accommodation, somewhere to live, more and more who will be welfare dependent to afford anywhere to rent in Ireland, even if they multi share a property as many already do.
Read reality here & then ask the politicians what more homes will actually mean.
Since 2016 'an extra' over 54,000 more brazilians (just brazillians) have come to Ireland as economic migrants.
Just the out of control numbers of Brazillians (EU??) alone, will have all the extra houses these buffoons demand built in their non thought through totally pathetic daydream supposed answer, benefiting only building owners (short term financially)
It will only serve to encourage more and more zero risk economic migrants (stop comparing them to past Irish emigrants who 99.9% had no welfare fallback or hand out anywhere they went) and we will all be paying for the insane open door, financially and in services (that only net tax contributors pay for).
2 absolute Facts Irish politicians appear to be selectively (at best) ignorant of-
There are tens of millions, likely hundreds of millions across the world who want to emigrate today to somewhere for economic reasons.
Ireland can not only not look after them all, it can not credibly provide basics for another 1 person currently , sad reality is can't even look after their own already here now properly , with obscene unaffordable yet scarcely available rental properties and record homeless as absolute proof!
This is because we have already allowed in (politicians naively (at best) encouraged in) insane numbers of economic and supposed asylum seekers per capita
Ireland via her genuine caring politicians (oxymoron at present) like any mature adult needs to learn to say No
to say Enough
this is the bare minimum a mature sensible fair Ireland would / needs to do and do right now to prevent extreme social divisions and breakdowns beyond anything you'd want to dare imagine in your worst dreams.
No, no more and no more encouraging (for the short term financial benefit of a very few) any from outside the EU naively or purposely.
This can be done right now to at least the economic chancers (often
supposed language students ) from outside the EU
Like this
Came here on a supposed student visa, but could not believe how easy it was to "use Ireland and the Irish" thanks to politicians!
international Student Scam on most all of us in Ireland
That boasting chancer from india is just one of tens of thousands taking advantage
as for the 'refugees'