| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: RTE EU controlled news tell us what Russian TV is saying - no irony? |
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RTE EU controlled news tell us what Russian TV is saying - no irony?
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RTE EU controlled news tell us what Russian TV is saying - no irony? Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Gerard Delaney Tipperary
Sceala Philosopher
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
RTE EU controlled news tell us what Russian TV is saying - n
So the EU bans all news from Russia, yet points fingers at Russia for controlled news and lack of freedom of speech??
If carlsberg could do irony?
All Russian news media has been banned by orderz of the EU
Sure no irony at all in some paid journlist at a national broadcaster summarizing what some Russian is saying on their news?
Definitely assurance of no selective cherry picking bits out there then!
We now rely on what someone in RTE wants to selectively tell us is being said by Russian news, while they at same time explain how Russians are limited by what is state controlled news!
Some RTE freely wandering around Russia!! is telling us how controlled the news is while we are told by the EU we can't watch any news or views from Russia point of view.
No dictate there or hypocrisy there at all is there!
Lets go back the the days of that evil little conor cruise o brien, who effectively controlled all the state news in Ireland.
When cruise finally got kicked out of office, he showed who he was really working for all along as he went to be a british unioist MP in the north.
And RTE have the cheek to point fingers at controlled news!
No fan of any war but would like to know what is going on from both sides of view! no fan of any politician or system anywhere but seriously what sort of EU state are we living in, when they now start telling us what we can watch.
Not just the Ireland news or EU, as think it's the same in uk and anywhere in the supposed free west. other sides news just banned you can't even listen to the other side claims.
What are they scared of? No fan of Putin, but if the guy has no cause or any credible reason what so ever, then why ban him from speaking?
Who exactly is the more free media country, it seems that RTE and all others are reporting freely from Russia!
Stinks of controlled cruise style managed news and that they know there are some reasons they don't want you to know.
No fan of Gerry Adams but like our President Higgins I too always thought it dictator like to ban any point of view by Sinn Fein back then, silence him ban him from any news by that undemocratic hypocritical man who justified torture, that obese brutish agent rat conor cruise o'brien.
Conor Cruise O'Brien approved of torture & silencing debate
After all Ukraine is clearly as messed up as Ireland and the oxyoron uk not one single people. There are over a third who consider themselves Russian.
I guess that wildly from the fact they've had a civil war since 2014,where around 13 thousands people have lost their lifes and many more injured, more than half Russian ethnic killed by Ukraine army & their militia.
A ukraine militia that is full of total nazi loving whackos like this
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