Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Irish politicians ignore homeless crisis to pretend care for Ukraine

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Irish politicians ignore homeless crisis to pretend care for Ukraine

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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Irish politicians ignore homeless crisis to pretend care for

Mar 01, 2022

I like most Irish people have little 'genuine' interest or 'genuine' care in either Ukraine of Russia or anywhere else for that matter.
I have nothing against either.

I like most people have been content for the last decade to ignore other world issues, because they don't effect us directly, that is the natural way human beings works.. Caring about things you cant see or feel is a temporary issue at best.

How can we care for even more Homeless! None of these mouthpieces liek coveney care about the current HOMELESS CRISIS ALREADY IN IRELAND.

Such false claims of care for humanity - verging on perverse.
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You ordinary Irish concerned about the most basic of things? a home of your own!
what you don't have a family home.

I don't believe it says Simon, we have plenty of homes, homes for all come on in.

Worry not says Simon Coveney , the Irish (not him) can suffer some even more people to come and have no family home security!

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Simon Coveney appears to imagine there is no problem, the Irish who claim to be hungry for a home can eat cake even build a shelter from cake.

Coveney according to google comes from one of Cork's prosperous so called "merchant prince" families - old money families!!

Hmmm, think in Russia they'd be referred to as Oligarchs, you know the type who through 'business' or other means sought to harvest far more than they could possibly personally need at the expense of others and secured positions of influence & power (like him not through any credible merit of his own) for their own families down the generations!

Yes think that is exactly what these old so called aristo Irish or merchant prince families were actually about! Greed while others went without!

Nothing changes then!

Make out you care! as you typically wear clothes that were made by other people living in squalor in a place you don't even want to know about as you don't 'genuinely' care! stand by as you watch nation after nation destroyed by the west and not a mention of war crimes as hospitals blown up etc, etc,, millions of lives taken btw in the process.
Genuinely care do you?

Same with food and medicines - most even complain of the lack of variety or cost, when the reality for a third of the world is no choice, no food no medicine!
And to think these Irish politicians like others now pretend they care.
They only genuinely care for the tv cameras.

For the ordinary Irish person who can not even afford a place to live perhaps its a diversion to make you think you're well off.
But the housing crisis in Ireland is real!

Thousands are already living in temporary shelter, ten times that ridiculous expensive rents (owned by our own vultures & oligarchs) with zero security of a permanent home.

It is hard enough living in Ireland, most of us are unfortunately are not politicians or tv presenters paid to pretend they know about stuff and care about it on a Bullshitting dailty basis that should but will not embarrass them!

Yes you were correct
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unless its for a tv opportunity or making out they care alongside other bullshitting politicians in the EU.

Homeless crisis Ireland but politicians encourage immigrants

Homeless crisis for many native Irish - free rent immigrants

Out of control Immigrants Ireland is REASON for high rents

The Irish can't afford homes - yet more immigrants coming ins

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