Irish Forums Message Discussion :: british royals were cause of Irish civil war

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british royals were cause of Irish civil war

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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- british royals were cause of Irish civil war
Irish Author british royals were cause of Irish civil war Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Brian T Dublin

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     british royals were cause of Irish civil war

those so called british royals insistence that the Irish must take a oath of loyalty to them and not be allowed to call themselves a republic or be really free.

The so called royals - nothing but an elaborate mafia family that employed its armed thugs to enforce so called crown law.

those so called british royals TO BLAME and the core cause of centuries of colonial terrorism in Ireland and elsewere . evil parastic trash.

not the ordinary people of the land of britain.

No- it was the so called royals who were the direct cause of the Irish civil war and the deaths and misery.

Not content with that, that evil organized crime family then had its agents and interested parties aim tithes and taxes against the supposed free part of Ireland.

The british tithes and taxes held back if all but destroyed the emerging Irish economy.

Broken, many Irish were forced to emigrate and without education of what actually went on - like most victims they blamed themselves as if they were somehow responsible for the deeds of monsters.

These so called british royals are nothing but mafia, be it an exceptionally criminal evil one, that has benefited from the proceeds of so many crimes in Ireland and around the world, anywhere on their supposed common wealth.
Only thing common was the stolen assets /wealth via terrorism on their commission, wealth the saxe coburg took a cut from to build their palaces and reinforcc their perverse status.

It was these so called royals insistence that the Irish must take a oath of loyalty to them and not be allowed to call themselves a republic or be really free.

The so called royals - nothing but an elaborate mafia family that employed its armed thugs to enforce so called crown law.

Evil crime family- Just on such a larger scale most can't see it.

The so called royals are just a very successful organized crime family, but their time is running out.

In the 21st century - with education and access to all for information - most with a ounce of thought - can see the perverse and ridiculous notion & acts surrounding of looking up to so called royals.

But yes that Hanoverian rooted crime family the so called british royals, they were the cause of the Irish civil war.

That trash organized crime family saxe coburg und gotha aka windsor knew the Irish would be the start of their destruction.

We need more Irish to think and not just go along with or appease what are the descendants of the mob bosses of organized crime.

The so called royals got a share from every theft of land every theft of resources in Ireland and everywhere else they went to steal, take by force and terror terrorism.

The oath of allegiance demanded at the end of threats by agents of these scum mafia was the direct cause of the civil war in Ireland.

Just as the saxe coburg und gotahs were the central direct cause of every act of terror against the Irish over the past three centuries.

Can't really blame them directly before that because this lot of so called royals who are germanic hanoverian in origin - have no credible connection to previous so called royals.

Liz saxe coburg gotha for example is not a direct descendant of the evil mass murdering of thousands of women and children - elizabeth i or previous mass murdering mob mosses .
Murdering all natives who refused to co- operate and give a oath of loyalty to steal all.
same central theme no matter the century - these so called royals are central!

The oath of allegiance demanded at the end of all out war threats by agents of these scum mafia was the central direct cause of the civil war in Ireland.

fact of history.

british so called royals Nazi Links

Irish Land stolen at the end of swords & flame, so called royals always hot their cut

The oath of allegiance and loyalty demanded by the agents of these so called british royals was the central direct cause of the civil war in Ireland.

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