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Crown British Government divided NI created terrorists
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Crown British Government divided NI created terrorists Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Limerick Queen
Sceala Philosopher
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Crown British Government divided NI created terrorists
Good Friday Agreement
the simplistic line spread by supposed journalists and supposed historians such as colonel myers and ruth fugly edwards is
that what we have in NI today is sunningdale power sharing for slow learners. - all we have now was there for the taking decades ago!
It is a false overview, not just simplistic.
Because it ignores the brutality of the Crown forces and especially so in those early days.
For obvious example! the miners strikers of England or London rioters were not live fired upon as was deliberately ordered in Ireland on Bloody Sunday and Ballymurphy.
People should read the chronological order of events and not just accept loyalist journalists like Edwards bias version and overview!
british extreme violence murder and state terrorism was the main factor in the thousands that would join the PIRA.
sunningdale power sharing for slow learners cliche ignores the fact that the Crown government backed down to the british loyalist violence and british unionist terrorism and intimidation.
the reality was no Irish politics of any shade ever brought down Sunningdale, british loyalists did, british terrorists did.
While Wikipedia is only a reference and open to bias and abuse, no one can argue with
Collapse of the Agreement
Main article: Ulster Workers Council Strike
Following the defeat of a motion condemning power-sharing in the the north of Ireland Assembly, the Ulster Workers' Council, a loyalist organisation, called a general strike for 15 May. After two weeks of barricades, shortages, rioting and intimidation, Brian Faulkner resigned as chief executive and the Sunningdale Agreement collapsed on 28 May 1974.
The strike succeeded because the British were reluctant to use force at an early stage and later the use of force was vetoed by the unionists in the Executive.
The most crippling aspect of the strike was its effect on electricity supply the Ballylumford power station controlled Belfast's electricity and that of most of the north of Ireland. The workforce was overwhelmingly Protestant and effective control was firmly in the hands of UWC. John Hume's plan to cut the the north of Ireland electricity grid in two and rely on the power generated by Coolkeeragh Power Station (where many Catholics worked) to keep Derry and environs in business while undermining the unionist strikers in the east was rejected by the British Secretary of State Merlyn Rees.
In later strikes the security forces were prepared to use force immediately and so intimidatory barricades essential to the success of the UWC strike were suppressed from the outset.
So the claim that any Irish party sinn fein or other turned down sunningdale is a false claim.
No one had a chance because british loyalist terrorism encouraged by the crown denied any such chance.
So the claim of slow learners is stricken out and done so without the need to even consider the emerging truths about Crown terrorists murderers who effectively ensured 30 plus years of the so called troubles.
the BBC interviewer seems to want to end the supposed expose in a form of apologist reasoning and excuse for Crown terrorist murderers and british state terrorism.
by asking the crown terrorists easy if not leading questions! he is effectively informing the viewer to consider and accept these crown murderers and crown terrorists were supposedly acting in the collective greater good!
killing innocent civilians even former ww2 war veterans in drive by random shootings was for the supposed greater good was it?
What the simplistic but bias BBC amazingly or conveniently seem to have forgotten is the fact that 'the troubles' went on for another 30 years after these now exposed murders of civillians and british state terrorism.
therefore the reality and only logical conclusion is that if these crown murderers and crown terrorists had any effect it was actually to encourage violence and reactionary violence and encourage terrorism.
these crown thugs and proud (and likely medal honoured by their supposes queen) murderers were so brainwashed they are still incapable of looking at reality today ! just as they were clearly purposely chosen or brainwashed to be incapable of considering humanity over thirty years ago as they carried out mass murder and terrorism.
these crown murderers are no different what so ever to the absolutely convinced killers of innocents in Paris.
sociopaths and psychopaths and they look it! the first british soldier and proud murderer on show is a little wimp of a man who looks a lot like a ill hitler.
Westminster for the benefit of the Crown who want and need to hang on to the Irish harp on their flag! created the troubles, created and encouraged the divisions.
Ordinary Irish and British people whether civilian or combatant mere pawns for those in power, those who own thousands of acres and other interests in Ireland.
Hope for a better and more peaceful future is never lost while some can see, even if only in hindsight.