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Making billions out of supposed Irish economic collapse

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Limerick Queen

Sceala Philosopher

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Making billions out of supposed Irish economic collapse

The Irish government have allowed foreign vultures to make billions out of Irish peoples misery, misery and pain from enforced debts generally not of their making,.
This was the claim by posters here, years ago and at the very time when the con tricks could have been stopped and prevented, at a time when the main stream media were silent or ignorant or both.

The billions made by the likes of Wilbur ross, were taken by chancers, these billions are the billions we now have to find to treat people in hospitals and pay for nurses.
This is where the missing billions went to.
They should have and could have been ours, a real government would have ensured those who actually paid for the failed banks, had the benefits when the markets eventually turn as they always do!
Or at worse should have allowed them to collapse.

Recently, but years too late, some Irish supposed news papers have started to inform the public of what went on during and immediately after the so called Irish economic collapse.
The zombie banks, and the flesh eating vultures.

More evidence today that the Irish economic collapse was manufactured, a
Irish bank robbery carried out by and policed by white collar criminals for the benefit of vulture funds and their shameless greedy billionaire backers, who thrive on, who look for, who desire human misery, so they can make more money.

Canada's Fairfax Financial Holdings has sold half of its 5.8% stake in Bank of Ireland for more than triple what it paid for it in 2011, a source with knowledge of the deal said.

Bank of Ireland shares were down 6% after news of the deal.

The Canadian property and casualty insurer run by investor Prem Watsa sold 935 million shares for 36 cent each, the source said.

Bank of Ireland shares were down 7% at 35.6 cent early this morning following the sale, which was managed by Deutsche Bank.

Fairfax bought an 8.7% stake in 2011 as part of a consortium including US billionaire Wilbur Ross when the shares were trading at 10 cent, and cut that to 5.8% last March.

The 2011 consortium bought a total 35% stake in the bank in the months after Ireland signed up to an EU/IMF bailout in a deal that kept the bank out of state control.

Ross sold his last 5.5% stake in Bank of Ireland last June at 26.5 cent per share."

A corrupt government and media presented vultures as saviours as just happened to be passing by kindly folk looking to help out Ireland.
That is how Vultures were presented at the time of their little risk carpet bag buying.

As for that arrogant veto the Irish home owners in distress Boucher and other over paid so called bank managers but really over paid incompetent stooges who will be paraded, lauded as some kind of economic miracle managers by those who make billions out of the scam!

Yeah why not give him & his oaf like self a massive bonus, after all imagine how difficult it must be to run a business that was and is propped up buy the tax payer.
A business that by rights should no longer exist, and would not exist if it were not for you the Irish taxpayers.

A business that then encouraged in vulture capitalists to make billions out of the deflated and re written share price - One we the tax payer had paid for the business to restructure.

Making billions on our backs!

The bank of Ireland never owed us a few billion, they owed us 100%
Because we backed them up when they failed, we paid for the business for it's survival and are still paying!
It was a con.

Vultures like Ross never saved the bank or Ireland's economy we did, what he actually did was make bilions because of the perverse nature of so called free markets!

Those billions made by chancers like were our your billions.
The billions we have paid for and still paying for!

A gutless government bribed by the IMF & EU the capitalists sideshow enforcers!

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