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British Royals Nazi Links Does Charles own moral high ground
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British Royals Nazi Links Does Charles own moral high ground Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
St Pats So Cal
Sceala Philosopher
Location: So Cal
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
British Royals Nazi Links Does Charles own moral high ground
Fri May 23, 2014
aside of the reality that ponce charles certainly is rooted grounded in the pits the lowest of moral ground.
what is the parasitic ponce currently up to?
uk so called royal is currently stirring up shyte and divisions in ukraine, doing so once again in tradition of his bloody germanic terrorist predecessors, poking noses in other peoples business,! as if these billionaire mafia parasite scum who made their obscene stolen billions from slavery and
colonial crown terrorism, murdering & subjecting millions by force - as if these so called brit royals can preach to anyone about any moral worth.
who is it speaking on behalf of? what brit arms industry womd manufacturer ? is looking to profit from wars and death.
Interesting if ironic that the British royal family Charles Windsor aka Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha, compares Putin of Russia to Hitler and the Nazis.
To be fair to Charles Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha, he could well know exactly what a Hitler supporting extremist looked like.
When many members of his extended Germanic family were convinced Nazis!
The British monarchy, and the City of London's leading Crown bankers, enthusiastically backed Hitler and the Nazis, bankrolled the Fuhrer's election, and did everything possible to build the Nazi war machine.
Support for Nazi-style genocide was common policy in the House of Windsor empire policy, Britain must have inspired the Nazi concentration camps, with their effectiveness at disposing of tens of thousands of women and children who were rounded up and murdered by the British royal military machine in their colonial Boer war.
The complete genocide of the Aboriginal Tasmanian by the British Royal Colonial empire.
Designer famines in Ireland and India are the more well known among the many more British Colonial designer famines, British Royal led Nazi like crimes against humanity.
Long after the abdication of Edward VIII, the Windsor's maintained their direct Nazi links.
Including 3 of his late aunts, sister of his even ruder but just as selectively ignorant father, Philip Windsor aka Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg
Philip (Windsor) Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg
Still you have to wonder what context Charles Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha bases his Putin and Hitler comparison ideas on?
If it is Putin and his control of Crimea by way of military force.
Putin forcing control of a area outside his national boundary by way of Russian military might, and based on a section, a ring fenced section of a foreign based population who claim loyalty and allegiance.
Oh dear, using such a Nazi like claim for such actions and morals.
Saxe Coburg Mafia family
Charles Windsor aka Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha will need to hand back so many lands and resources taken by his previous Royal organised crime family, who used exactly the same methods and excuses, and did so shedding far more blood.
Using the claimed morals of Charles Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha
Northern Ireland from designer famines to creating terrorists funded extremes of ignorant sectarian filth like UVF UDA Orange order etc
Palestine / Israel Funded promoted Palestine - British Mandate, Zionism
India /Pakistan encouraged war created famine
Malvinas /Falklands war all for potential claims to resources royals uk leaders could not care less about a few sheep farmers. (suggest you go read about Diego Garcia if you are actually stupid enough to believe they care about human rights and democracy)
Are just some British land taken by british military force and held by military force, purposely divided terrorist civil wars encouraged or created!
just a few lands that Charles Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha will have to sort out and hand back to the previous and moral legitimate owners.
In Irelands case his ancestors not only ignored a overwhelming democratic vote and turned their guns on the majority.
Not content with that brutality bullying of the Irish people! his so called royal ancestor insisted all the Irish swear a oath of allegiance, the direct cause of the Irish civil war.
He had his Prime Minister Churchill tell the Irish delegation led by Michael Collins that they had a choice, give up part of their land, and also swear a oath of loyalty to a foreign supposed King, or they would be victims of a instant and even bloodier war. British democracy fair play in reality amounted to sign or else!
Putin in context!
Putin has only taken a piece of land (he claims are loyal to his Russia) by force and did so without much if any bloodshed.
Putin did not send thousands of mercenaries (Black and tans) into the rest of Ukraine to teach the Ukranians a lesson at the end of a gun.
He is not demanding any representative of the Ukranian people swear a oath of allegiance to him or Russia!
The reality is British empire only ever handed back land it had taken by force and corruption when it was forced to, as in Americans colonies, or more recently under obvious knowledge they would have no choice! 21st Century China would have been able to beat up little Britain and take back Hong Kong, Chinese land that was taken by a once strong bully Britain, taken by corruption and threat during the British empire Opium war (drug dealing) by their expeditionary terrorist force.
Charles Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha and the moral high ground!
It appears that Political Britain and the Nazi like historical actions of its Royal mafia family, do not even know where the moral high ground is!
History shows they have never known where the moral high ground is, Absolute proof they have no idea where it is, is not just in each of the millions of graves of those murdered by the British royal empire.
Proof surely from the reasoning that if the British royals ever did know where the moral high ground was , then they would have taken it by force and corruption for themselves to be masters of and increase their obscene personal wealth via taxes from the citizens of the moral high ground.
Putin might be angry at the selectively ignorant and extreme hypocrite British.
Then again, Putin might have been told the last thing he needs is to be considered well, or worse feted and honored by someone like Charles Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha or the wider Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha family.

British Royal approval
update to The now supposed king
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