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Should DUP leaders be arrested or questioned about murders
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Should DUP leaders be arrested or questioned about murders Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Irish Emigrant Stock
Irish Forums Member
Location: Canada
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Should DUP leaders be arrested or questioned about murders
In light of the recent arrest of Gerry Adams.
Does true equitable justice not now require, demand that leaders of the DUP and other British Unionist political parties also be questioned and where appropriate be arrested in order to establish their roles in acts of British terrorism in Ireland. Acts of British terrorism which include mass murders in Ireland that were carried out by British terrorists on both sides of the political border?
For example
Have not former members of the UVF and UDA (including suspected and convicted murderers of innocent Irish people) claimed to have been approved by and in at least one claim, directly inspired by well known mainstream Unionist leaders, some of who are still in leading unionist political positions today!
Did not the recently deceased convicted murderer Gusty Spence claim that he was influenced by the angry raging and rants of Ian Paisley.
"He had started in the 1960s as a sectarian who believed the apocalyptic warnings of the Rev Ian Paisley that the movement for Catholic equality would destroy the union. Two-and-a-half decades later Spence eschewed Paisleyism and advocated historic compromise with unionism's republican enemies. He was also personally responsible for the line in the CLMC statement that apologised to loyalism's victims. The words "abject and true remorse" were his own."
Until such time as British unionist politicians in Ireland are not equally reminded of their roles in historic acts of evil! We will remain as with Gerry Adams unsure of the historic claims against them and suspicious of the intentions of the Unionist establishments motives.
Are Unionist politicians of the DUP and UUP in general, genuinely interested in victims of terrorism and injustice?
Or Unionist politicians of the DUP and UUP in general, as many people around the world suspect (surely Richard N. Haass included) only really driven by tribal politics and a hierarchy of victims.
Has the North of Ireland really moved forward, or is it old style British rule, where only Irish politicians and Irish people are subject to their 'justice'.
When the likes of the DUP can use perverse and hypocritical clichés about not being preached to by Sinn Fein, it appears that a selective memory is allowed to pervade!
Perhaps it requires a Irish victims list to be drawn up to remind the likes of the DUP and UUP, how they are in no credible position to be using such clichés.
A list that shows how members and past members of their unionist parties have been linked to British terrorists and their evil deeds.
The Queen of England and her Parliament have long referred to Unionist leaders with respect, self interest has required few if any questions.
We know that the same selective morals of the British establishment have been friendly with and honoured some very evil people.
The hypocrisy of the British establishment does not stop those with genuine morals asking very serious questions about the roles and influences of British Unionist leaders in the North of Ireland.
Did Ian Paisley play a role in promoting acts of terrorism?