Irish Forums Message Discussion :: The 60,000 + Irish children murdered by the Anglican Foundling scheme

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The 60,000 + Irish children murdered by the Anglican Foundling scheme

       The 60,000 + Irish children murdered by the Anglican Foundling scheme The 60,000 + Irish children murdered by the Anglican Foundling scheme Information
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Irish Author The 60,000 + Irish children murdered by the Anglican Foundling scheme Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Brian T Dublin

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     The Irish children murdered by the Anglican Foundling scheme

I am shocked that I have never even heard of the foundling scheme.

I am a unorthodox Christian, meaning I don't go to chapel and have no intention of ever going regular. I am a Irish adult, and consider religion in general divisive and often dangerous ignorant and arrogant bullshit.

That would be the typical Irish mentality of the latest generation.
That's all fine, but we should not ignore the victims of the past, we are told about the bad people in the RC church, but it seems that the 'Protestant' churches have largely managed to cover their abuse of children up, under the headlines.

This is wrong because the evidence shows that the worst offender, the serial abuser of Irish people and for centuries, especially Irish children has been the Anglican Church of Ireland.

They Church of Ireland abused on behalf of the Crown and with the backing of the military forces of the Crown.

The Irish children murdered by the Anglican Foundling scheme
At least 60,000 Irish children murdered in the name of so called Protestant Anglican conversion.

Sad to think of the many thousands alive today who are descended from the abused survivors, those native Irish children who were converted into English/British protestants.
Ironic to think that thousands of the most extremist british nationalist bigots would be unaware that they hate their own and cherish those who abused their own real ancestors.
Among these raised purposely ignorant are those born and bred in Ireland who insist they are not Irish but British and the even the more modern and laughable so called scots irish.

After reading the added Ireland specific content in kevs topic about the abusers in the Anglican church.
Anglican Church religion Vicars child sex abuse revealed

I feel ashamed that I never even heard of this mass abuse of Irish children by the Anglican church in Ireland.

I think the subject needs special investigation, we are talking about thousands of children who were systemically abused by the British crown state religion when it had power in Ireland.

How many Irish children died, effectively murdered by the Anglican Foundling scheme?

I searched the reference mentioned and found this shocking statistic of child abuse.

Irish Community Images

17,253 Irish children died, effectively murdered by the Church of Ireland and British Crown
The foundling scheme was sponsored by the British royalty on the basis of strengthening the Protestant interest in Ireland, the core aims of the foundling scheme was to make more protestants and more royal supporters or loyalists in Ireland.

Shocking but these forgotten victims only cover a 12 year period of Church of Ireland Anglican child abuse.

The foundling scheme was around for over a 100 years.

A conservative estimate is at least 60,000 Irish children were murdered by the Anglican Church of Ireland foundling scheme.

Really sick that these Anglican ministers and their lay people, did this abuse in the name of their God and Crown.
The foundling scheme was created to make Irish children good little British protestants.

These Anglican criminals need to be highlighted. I am going to ask the local Anglican bishop for his apology on behalf of what went on in his Anglican religion and British Crowns name.
He might state that he has never heard of the Anglican foundling scheme.
If that is true, he should be even more ashamed than the rest of us.

Most Irish children stolen and murdered by the Anglicans were of Irish catholic people, these cruel abusers referring to the children as lowest of papists, but many would have been from poor dissenters and atheists and definitely many of the other discriminated religions such as Irish Presbyterians.

The Anglican church in Ireland has never said sorry or made a payment to any child welfare group in memory of the thousands of Irish children they abused.

Time to embarrass this petty crown church

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