Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Bullshit British Tv Donal MacIntyre investigative journalist

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Bullshit British Tv Donal MacIntyre investigative journalist

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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Bullshit British Tv Donal MacIntyre investigative journalist

Talking of British military glory bullshit myths and those who invent the myths and the puppets who collect money to promote the glory hero myths.
British like to mix sports with politics

From a while back, from that British tabloid style fear mongering cheap tv, Donal MacIntyre the supposed investigative journalist.

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At 6 mins 15 seconds Sherlock MacIntyre starts helping to spread the bullshit of a bullshitter.

The former Britsh army soldier Cody Lachey, is the same thug intolerant violence threatening extremist who was eventually arrested and charged with 'threats to kill' Irish soccer player James McClean and his family, and has been exposed as a typical British army bullshitter.

Should alert people to the actual quality of British investigative journalist tv and their so called investigative journalists!

Not sure who wrote the blog!
I was arrested in February 2013 by Greater Manchester Police for allegedly issuing threats to kill Footballer James McClean over his refusal to wear a poppy on the 10th of November 2012.

Greater Manchester Police contacted my via telephone to say they wanted to speak to in relation to twitter threats that I had allegedly sent I was spoken to by a Detective inspector & I arranged to go in a few days later by arrest by appointment but the day before I was due to attend the police station I rang them to speak to the Di & she was on annual leave for a few weeks cut to along story short I had to chase the police in order to be arrested & I finally went in arrest by appointment in February some 3 months later yet someone called Footballer Rio Ferdinand a “Black bastard” on twitter and was arrested just 24hours later.

I was questioned at length the police’s evidence was that the phone & twitter account and internet provider(IP) address was registered in my name at my address. You would think that I would be bang to rights yes ? Well all I simply stated the problem with “social media” is that anyone can set up an account as anyone else & they said that doesn’t explain that the phone & iP address were registered in my name at my home address, I simply stated that I have many friends who use my phone & it could have been any of them. I was then released & no further action was taken the point is aslong as you can put DOUBT into the situation you can get off scott free.

Twitter abuse is so easy to do and so easy to get away with & with the police over stretched, they don’t have time to monitor online abuse & threats and with twitter being an American company they are governed by U.S law. The mad thing is im a former British soldier who has been arrested for firearms offences & James McClean was born in Derry where the “Bloody sunday” massacre took police carried out by British soldier’s and James McClean plays for the Republic of ireland yet I wasn’t arrested till some 3 months later and the police thought they had me bang to rights but a simple 2 sentence’s from me and I walked free, “Threats to kill” is a serious offence that carries a maximum of 10 years in prison.

Yours sincerely

Cody Lachey

Either way the claim is a very serious allegation against the British police.
If the central points are correct, it suggests a lack of care when it comes to Irish victims of race hate, if not inactive encouragement for murder threats against the Irish by the British Police.

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