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British royals new years honors list perversion charade

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Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     British royals new years honors list perversion charade

To think that there are people in Ireland who imagine that the land of Broken Britain is run better than Ireland.

Ireland may have , does have, problems and unfortunately has as many corrupt individuals in politics like most other nation states.

But serious, compared to the perverted charade of so called royals, kings queens princes and princesses of Britain. Can a nation be more pathetic in the 21st century!

Like Boyle was saying about Westminster and the general British media, they generically just ignore their faults, never admit to their perversions. their crimes.
They appear unable to genuinely self critique.
Remember Britain is a land that can't point the finger at Ireland and other faults enough. Fed by the arrogance and selective ignorance of the BBC, their most ignorant are encouraged to imagine that Ireland was unique in allowing the abuse of Children in the past.
Their most ignorant equate the Catholic church with child abuse.

Britain and the Crown encourage this, and their Bullshitting charade might be funny if it was not so extremely perverse.
Britain a land that has yet to even look at its long history of the systemic physical and sexual abuse of children and teenagers.
Not just their evil fagging system of their public schools, but their endemic corporal punishment of children. It was that perverse lot who invented the idea that "Children should be seen and not heard"

Britain Colonial Crown that was abusing countless thousands of children in their former colonies until the close of the 20th Century.
British royals new years honors listBritish royals new years honors list
British royals new years honors listBritish royals new years honors list
British royals new years honors list
British royals new years honors listBritish royals new years honors list
Ireland can improve and learn much in 2014 and on, but not from that perverse nation.

Like Sally stated here, Britain where the typical waiting time to even see a Doctor is over a week. Free!

Give me Ireland's own systems any day, the areas that Ireland needs to improve upon are mostly hangovers from old British colonial laws.

Ireland will mature when it is honest enough to object to the perversion of supposed superior forms of humanity by virtue of descent.

Pathetic and perverse.
British royals new years honors list perversion charade

Happy New Year Ireland and the Irish, for all your faults you have a lot to be proud of, most notably those who fought against the Colonial greedy, bullies and perverts from Britain.

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