Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe Irish shanty

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Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe Irish shanty

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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe Irish shanty
Irish Author Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe Irish shanty Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Mario Rodriguez O'Neill

Irish Forums Member
Location: Mexico and Dublin

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe Irish shanty

Is Haul away Joe a Irish song? Maybe the writer in history was Irish or emigrant.
Lot of descriptions to Ireland and Irish in the shanty song.

Haul Away, Joe

Traditional - Lyrics from the Irish sea Shanty Haul away Joe
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Hey don't yer see that black cloud a-risin'?
'Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe!
Hey don't yer see that black cloud a-risin'?
'Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe!

Naow whin Oi wuz a little boy an' so me mother told me,
'Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe!
That if Oi didn't kiss the gals me lips would all grow mouldy.
'Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe!

An' Oi sailed the seas for many a year not knowin' what Oi wuz missin',
Then Oi sets me sails afore the gales an' started in a-kissin'.

Naow first Oi got a Spanish gal an' she wuz fat an' lazy,
An' then Oi got a [Negro] tart-she nearly druv me crazy.

Oi found meself a Yankee gal an' sure she wasn't civil,
So Oi stuck a plaster on her back an' set her to the Divil.

Sheepskin, pitch, an' beeswax, they make a bully plaster;
The more she tried ter git it off it only stuck the faster.

Then I got meself an Irish gal an' her name wuz Flannigan,
She stole me boots, she stole me clothes, she pinched me plate an' pannikin.

Oi courted then a Frenchie gal, she took things free an' aisy,
But naow Oi've got an Anglish gal an' sure she is a daisy.

So list while Oi sing ter yer about me darlin' Nancy,
She's copper-bottomed, clipper-built, she's jist me style an' fancy.

Ye may talk about yer Yankee gals an' round-the-corner-Sallies,
But they couldn't make the grade, me bhoys, wid the gals from down our alley.

We sailed away for the China Seas, our bhoys so neat an' handy,
The Ould Man in his cab'n, bhoys, a-drinkin' rum an' brandy.

We loaded for the homeward run, all hands so free an' aisy,
And in his galley sat the doc, a-makin' plum-duff graisy.

We squared our yards an' away we rolled, with the fiddles playin' handy,
Wid a roll 'n' go, an' a westward ho, an' a Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Oh, King Louis wuz the King o' France, afore the revolution,
But the people cut his big head orf an' spoiled his constitution.

Then they sent the King away ter sea, to larn him how ter swim,
They sent him wid a Bluenose mate who put a squarehead on him.

Oh, once I was in Ireland a-diggin' turf an' taties,
But now I'm on a Limejuice ship and hauling on the braces.

Saint Patrick was a gentleman, he came from decent people,
In Dublin town he built a church, and on it set a steeple,
His father was a Mulligan, his mother was a Grady,
His aunt she was a Kinnigan, and his wife the widow Brady.

From Ireland then he drove the snakes, then drank up all the whiskey,
This made him dance and sing and jig, he felt so fine and frisky.

He held High Mass for forty days before he blessed the steeple,
He held High Mass, twas full of gas to try and fool the people.

Yiz call yerself a second mate an' cannot tie a bowline,
Ye cannot even stand up straight when the packet she's a-rollin'.
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