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Irish family surnames, The Clans Septs of Ireland .
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Irish family surnames, The Clans Septs of Ireland . Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Shaz Rattigan

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Athlone
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Irish family surnames, The Clans Septs of Ireland .
Information taken from the ancestry section of this Irish Ancestry Discussion forum.
Do any of us really know who our ancestors are? How do you know what your Irish ancestry is?
Most people base their ancestry upon a single paternal surname, which in reality is (at best) just a token representation of their ancestors, who made them, who they are!
In Ireland most old Irish Surnames are from the old Irish Gaelic family traditions & laws.
Understanding Irish family surnames are complex family structures , the Septs and Clans of Ireland are so old and pre date any historical written record.
The Clan system most us Americans imagine, often simplistic or myth compared to the actual history. Irish Gaelic law for example, encouraged inter family fostering of children, a method of keeping the peace and trust between warring Irish Clans.
These complex Irish family surname rules are very similar in Scotland, because it was the Gaelic Irish who founded the Clan system in Scotland.
Truth is most Americans could not elaborate their knowledge of either Ireland or Scotland.
Ironically what most consider as either ancient Irish or Scottish family traditions, are often late 19th century invention. Such as the tartan kilt for every family. Invention of German Royal families who ruled England.
The Family Clan tartan as most people know and think ancient is in reality not much older than the creation of Coca Cola. Both 19th century inventions.
Look at this old wood carving to see how the Irish and Ireland, the home of the Gaelic system has been written out of history.
Early Sixteenth century Irish Soldiers in Service of Gustavus Adolphus. these plaid men are clearly marked as Irishmen from Ireland, not Scots or from Scotland.
Today the simply bias to point of perversion actually try and portray this woodcut as proof of ancient Scottish kilts even British connections.
Talk about revisionist history, these bias have the nerve to correct a actual historical witness document who clearly identifies the men as Irish.
Despite any nonsense from British loyalist revisionist the historical evidence proves these men, dressed so were considered as Irish.
The fact is the historic author clearly states these men are Irish and from Ireland.
Learning point
Just like Whiskey is in fact first Irish and from Ireland, but presented falsely as distinctly Scottish.
So was clearly the very image of the Scots Highland warrior.
These men were Irish mercenaries, of the same warrior breed of Irish man who settled in Scotland, but for centuries identified themselves as of the Irish Gael. Such Irish Gaelic Scots warriors would centuries later develop the highland charge in Scotland.
How difficult is it to know your Irish family
The Clans Septs of Ireland confuse surnames to simple interpretation.
Even the super wealthy Guinness family may have it wrong. Assumed a surname meant they belonged to one ancient Irish Clan.
Recent testing by Trinity College Dublin of Guinness family DNA has shown that Arthur Guinness's claims of being a descendant of the Magennis chieftains of Iveagh, County Down, were possibly invention or mistake.
Arthur Guinnness displayed the ancient Irish Magennis crest, which features the ancient Irish red hand of Ulster, a lion and a boar.
The research he was more likely to be from another Irish family, the related Irish Sept but distinct enough McCartans.
The former French president Charles De Gaulle. De Gaulle's great-grandmother was Marie Angelique McCartan.
Complicating the Guinness mystery is the fact that their old Irish family home was in the townland called Guiness.
Arthur's Round: The Life and Times of Brewing Legend Arthur Guinness.