Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Did the United States Government invent the European Union?

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Did the United States Government invent the European Union?

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Mister Gael

Irish Forums Member
Location: u.s.a

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Did the United States Government invent the European Union?

Oct 27, 2012

Interesting comments on this Irish forum are suggesting that the post WW2 United States Government, effectively 'invented and created the European Union'.
They set out to destruct the old nations of Europe into a form of United States of Europe, based on the American model.

If this is true, can you blame the United States Govt. Having to come and finish off two wars between Colonial war mongers. The Brits and the Germans would have started more wars by now. Arguing over who owns what part of Africa.
That American sacrifice to save Europe from self destruction, sure could explain why any American Politician or Government came up with the idea.

Comments on here suggesting the United States Govt inventing the European Union -

Irish Community Images Yes it is all too late.
The European Union dictates how we live, what we can believe in, what we can eat.
When America controlled Germany, it became another state. It was America who started the destruction of the many different European national identities. The effective destruction of nation states.
All these politically correct laws and liberal impositions come from that root.
Irish Community Images

Irish Community Images Yes it is all too late.
The European Union dictates how we live, what we can believe in, what we can eat.
When America controlled Germany, it became another state.
It was America who started the destruction of the many different European national identities. The effective destruction of nation states.
All these politically correct laws and liberal impositions come from that root. The destruction happened for many reasons, not least because of the cold war.
I was not personally attacking Americans for this. Regardless, are you seriously suggesting that Americans are all of one mind. This I know not to be so, I have heard many Americans remark similar concepts, indeed some on here.
I made a plural mistake. I intended to reference the destruction of European national identities. The loss of Individual proud nations and cultures that existed until recently.
Most certainly not any European identity, not this United States of Europe, a obvious copy of the USA.
I believe that the destruction did start in the former West Germany, under American influence.
I believe that it was American influence that has us living with all these politically correct laws and liberal impositions.
Who do you think Europe looked towards for a lead.

Only in America.
Only for now. Tomorrow it will be Ireland
Pregnant US man hails 'miracle'
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Irish Community ImagesAre you suggesting that we should not make any negative comments against America because of WWII. What about Russia, in terms of sacrifice and loss in WWII, there is no comparison. If I had remarked that the USSR destroyed Eastern Europe, taken away their cultures and planted the soviet dream. Would you as readily dismiss the argument or be as angry?

Try answering that question without resorting to that typical American flag waiving bs nationalism.

I believe Europe did copy the American dream.
Yes there are many influences since, but I believe America was the root of destruction of European nations. I never did say any American destruction or influence was by physical force. American Politics did what it did to stop the USSR.
Millions of Turks and Africans, as cheap labor, were encouraged into West Germany. This made West Germany appear more of a economic success than it naturally could have been. The Germans never wanted these immigrants, and the EU did not exist then to blame.
My remark about politically correct laws and liberal impositions. Millions of Americans believe they have destroyed your country.
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