Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Betting on the winner of the European Championships

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Betting on the winner of the European Championships

       Betting on the winner of the European Championships Betting on the winner of the European Championships Information
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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- Betting on the winner of the European Championships
Irish Author Betting on the winner of the European Championships Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Brian Whelan

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Kildare

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Betting on the winner of the European Championships

Who do you think will win the European Soccer football Championships.

Ireland have to be worth a few € at such high odds, if only for the fun bet.

Spain Germany are no value at all. Betting on the winner of the European Championships is not obvious. This is a open mid summer contest, with many season ended tired players, many seem not totally or carrying injuries, there are clearly some indifferent players in some squads.
Will the expected racism from the Eastern European fans have a factor?
Main bet is Russia, after watching them destroy Ireland in the first half at Dublin European Championships Qualifiers they are good value in a region that will see their fans in big numbers.

France are looking very good recently and they do look another potential winner.

Betting on the winner of the European Championships

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