| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Lucinda Creighton Vote NO ESM treaty Ireland |
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Lucinda Creighton Vote NO ESM treaty Ireland
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Lucinda Creighton Vote NO ESM treaty Ireland Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Limerick Queen
Sceala Philosopher
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Lucinda Creighton Vote NO ESM treaty Ireland
Lucinda Creighton provides one good reason to vote NO to the ESM
treaty Ireland.
A year of power and we have the same vague but aggressive Lucinda Creighton on Vincent Browne tonight.
Lucinda Creighton comes across as instinctively aggressive, which is never a nice personality trait.
I personally do not think Lucinda Creighton is credible and her convictions on the ESM seem to ring as hollow as some of her past claims.
Remember this
As Lucinda Creighton goes off on one of her rants - Vincent Browne asks if Lucinda Creighton has read the Fine Gael manifesto.
Someone needs to explain to Lucinda Creighton, it is now well over a year of 'overnights' since her 'overnight' excuse.
To date, Lucinda Creighton and her party have only produced the same old empty or vague promises, and excuses.
All Ireland has witnessed in that year is much higher unemployment, increasing rates of forced emigration. Ireland has suffered more and more austerity via new taxes, for what?
Not one corrupt banker or developer or politician is remotely facing justice.
Ireland has not seen a red cent reduction in a corrupt bank bailout, not a cent less to pay to European gamblers.
Ireland has seen more job losses, not the jobs promised, Europe for jobs, the last treaty promises of Fine Gael.
Promises , promises, same old vague promises, lies made in hope.
More rants from Lucinda Creighton - here she unintentionally gets caught out in extreme rhetoric. Millions of Jobs
ESM treaty Ireland
Most People probably do not even understand what they would be voting for. Trying to make sense among the rhetoric and political bluster, especially the bail out funds blackmail.
Leaving aside that stark contradiction, when Lucinda Creightons Coalition Government, claimed Ireland will not need another bail out anyway.
If you do not know why you approve, then you can only sensibly say no for now.
Vote No. It is about time Ireland stood up and faced down those who threaten us, treat us like children.
Ireland has survived for thousands of years without the EU.
Why should we believe the threats about access to funds. That threat, that blackmail does not add up. How can it be a real concern when the reality of the EU eurozone dictates to the contrary. The EU eurozone masters can not risk it, they can not allow any country to fail, as evidenced by Greece debt forgiveness.
If Ireland or any Euro nation fails, then the euro fails, and as a likely consequence the EU fails.
Regardless of the clairvoyant claims of Lucinda Creighton, economic predictions remain unpredictable, largely guess work.
Voting Yes or No in the ESM treaty is a vote in hope, a hit or miss vote into the dark.
What if Ireland Votes No - Clare Daly owns Lucinda Creighton
The basic economic reality is that Ireland is subject to what happens in the wider world. It is just a plain old lie for any politician to categorically claim they are able to definitively predict the economic future years ahead.
Lucinda Creighton probably likes to imagine herself that superior and super smart, in her day dreaming.
If Lucinda Creighton really did have the ability, would she really be a politician? Someone with that gift would be the wealthiest person on the planet.
Lucinda Creighton is like any other blustering politician, they all get elected because they convince enough people, using vague promises and deriding the alternatives.
Before election and Government.
What are they like when in power?
When someone like Lucinda Creighton is so convinced to vote Yes, she only convinces me onto the side of caution.
Vote No to the ESM treaty. Make Ireland say no more.