Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Irish human beatbox kid BeatBox BoB

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Irish human beatbox kid BeatBox BoB

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Irish Author Irish human beatbox kid BeatBox BoB Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Gerard Delaney Tipperary

Sceala Philosopher

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Irish human beatbox kid BeatBox BoB

Got to love watching things that make you smile.
This Irish human beatbox kid. Beatbox Bob may not be the most professional beatboxer in the entire world (at the moment), but he is a superstar Irish entertainer.
Beatbox Bob makes you smile along with him, his 100% belief and effort and love of his trade.

Irish Community Video

And the plus news for the dedicated beatbox purists is, Beatbox Bob has got even better since this early music Video.

No more Jedward or the Mary the big woman.
We want Beatbox Bob on tv
Defintion of a human beatbox
Beatboxing is a form of vocal percussion primarily involving the art of producing drum beats, rhythm, and musical sounds using one's mouth, lips, tongue, and voice. It may also involve singing, vocal imitation of turntablism, and the simulation of horns, strings, and other musical instruments. Beatboxing today is connected with hip-hop culture, being one of "the elements", although it is not limited to hip-hop music. The term "beatboxing" is sometimes used to refer to vocal percussion in general.

The kid is a Irish human beatbox, BeatBox BoB
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