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Halogen oven recipe books, download free recipes online
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Halogen oven recipe books, download free recipes online Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Irish Granny
Sceala Philosopher
Location: Navan
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Halogen oven recipe books, download free recipes online
We recently purchased a Halogen oven to use in our shop. The staff all love using the oven, but it is a bit trial and error approach.
No recipe cook book was supplied, just a very basic time guide for food groups. The problem is Halogen ovens cook quicker and usually need less heat, lower temperatures.
So we are searching for some recipe books for halogen cooking, preferably free that we can download online.
I am a total convert to this new way of cooking, so impressed with the way the compact Halogen ovens cook. The are several obvious benefits to cooking food with Halogen.
The cooking method is both economical and efficient. Halogen ovens are so much cheaper to run than conventional ovens. We have read claims that Halogen ovens save up to 80% in costs, cheaper to operate compared to conventional cooking, electric or gas ovens.
Then the Halogen oven part itself is user friendly, the oven or bowl is so easy to clean, some Halogen ovens even have a self clean setting.
Typical Halogen oven.
Our only real regret now, is not buying a Halogen oven with a hinged lid. When checking on the food, or removing the finished recipe, we find the lid holder a little awkward to use. The cover (lid) of Halogen ovens do get very hot, so you need to be careful and methodical in use, and never rush checking food or removing the finished recipe.
Halogen oven with hinged lid.
We thoroughly recommend Halogen cooking to anyone.
Food correctly cooked in a Halogen tastes great. Cheaper to run, Halogen heat is a proven safe & clean method for cooking almost any food recipe.
The lack of Halogen oven recipe books, free to download or to purchase online.
The only real issue with these new ovens.
We have checked around since we purchased our Halogen oven and it appears none of the makers of Halogen ovens supply a good quality recipe book free.
Can't even find good books online, just single Halogen recipes.
We hope one of you can find us a free Halogen oven recipe book. Hopefully a recipe book we can download free online.