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European Immigrants life of luxury on welfare in Ireland
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European Immigrants life of luxury on welfare in Ireland Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Paddy in Oz
Sceala Philosopher
Location: Melbourne
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
European Immigrants life of luxury on welfare in Ireland
Ireland has to stop paying Irish rates of welfare to other Europeans, before the Irish state collapses from within.
These Europeans have voluntarily chosen to live and work or be on the dole in Ireland, so it should not be the Irish people paying for their welfare, not a single cent to a single one of them.
No matter the stupiditiy of liberals, the current welfare state in Ireland simply can not go on, how can Ireland ever budget for the hundreds of millions of other Europeans.
They want to live somewhere else, then it is their own choice.
Eastern Europeans nations provide little or no welfare to their own Citizens, it is not Ireland's fault or moral or ethical duty to provide a single cent of welfare to any economic migrants.
They should be paid at their own nations rates and terms. preferably by their own nation paying all the costs.
I can get nothing in Australia, I had to provide bank proof that I could provide for myself financially, before I could even enter on a temporary work visa. I would not get a cent, not unless I am resident and working for some time.
How come foreign immigrants can abuse the welfare system in Ireland, so many of them and so easily.
Why does the EU not enforce each nation to pay their own citizens welfare rates. As people have said here before, the EU is at present actively encouraging economic boom and busts via welfare tourism.
How can Poland, a very wealthy nation, get away with not providing reasonable welfare for their own citizens? Why should Ireland be paying for any other Europeans welfare.
These nations will never grow up (including Ireland) until they are forced to take responsibility for their own citizens, including all of us who have had to emigrate, because of no work and do not want to be on welfare.
Article on European Immigrants life of luxury on welfare in Ireland
Apparently the original article in the Irish independent had some translation issues from Polish.
The Irish Times has picked up on this side issue, and invited the Polish ambassador to rush in and silence critics of what is going on in Ireland.
The Polish ambassador says
Marcin Nawrot, The Polish ambassador to Ireland has described an article purporting to tell the story of a Polish woman living the ‘good life’ on welfare in Donegal as “potentially inflammatory”.
Mr Nawrot says the decision to remain in Ireland that so many Polish people have made in recent years was “a decision to make a valuable contribution to the Irish state by living and working here, integrating with the Irish society and being a part of it all in good times and bad”.
“It’s impossible to imagine that this decision, sometimes a very painful one, is made on the basis of the level of unemployment benefit or other kinds of support granted to the jobless by the Irish State”
He finds it impossible to imagine!
Lets translate that into plain typical person language then shall we - it means he a national Ambassador on a elite state salary, finds it personally impossible to get the concept of welfare tourism.
But it is a concept that so many hundreds of thousands (of more typical and much poorer) Polish nationals clearly have imagined, and all too easily made reality.
Extremely simple to imagine really, when the fact is that - Poland provides limited and restrictive rates of social welfare protection for their own citizens.
Welfare in Poland according to the Polish news article.
This is what the Ambassador - claims as - impossible to understand.
The Polish newspaper article compares Madga's life on benefits with what she would earn working as a waitress in Poland, where the average weekly wage is just €85.
Dole payments in Poland are less than in Ireland, averaging just €36.50 a week.
There is no housing benefit and there are strict time limits on social welfare payments.
Welfare claimants can only claim for three months if they quit a job and six months if they are fired, said the report.
So is there anything genuinely difficult to imagine here? When a Polish national or Polish family are struggling and they can't get any help from their own state, but can afford a cheap Ryanair flight to somewhere that naively does provide? UK and Ireland.
Mystery solved.
In fact there was no need to translate that supposed Polish mystery story, because the Irish Times reports in their same translated piece - The Polish newspaper itself had a comments section, which included the response.
"No wonder that eurozone states have such problems, welfare payments like that are an extravagance.”
Proving no other point here than clear evidence of the Polish imagination.
The fundamental point is missed.
The rates in Ireland are not designed to cater for living the fine life, (unless you compare with Eastern European so called standards) The Irish social welfare rates were designed for basics and for the typical population of Ireland!
There was never a problem until Bertie Ahern encouraged in a 20 -25 % increase of foreign immigrant population inside a few years. Presumably that hideous failure never considered the obvious - that basic and essential services would need to be provided. Bertie could not have forecast so many would be claiming Irish welfare services, not unless he purposely set out to destroy Irish society.
As has been stated so many times, no nation anywhere could cope with that demand in such a short time scale.
Irish people are not anti Polish or any other nationality, but what has gone on in Ireland is extreme, taking the Irish state for a ride. The Poles would not stand for it in their country, that is for certain.
European Immigrants life of luxury on welfare in Ireland
Polish waitress packs in job for 'good life' on Irish welfare
By Greg Harkin and Norma Costello
Wednesday February 01 2012
A POLISH waitress living here has sparked fury after she boasted about living the good life on Irish welfare benefits. 'Magda' (36), not her real name, described her life on the dole in Donegal as a 'Hawaiian massage'.
She revealed how she had packed in her job so she could spend her days walking along beaches with her partner.
He in turn bragged about the county's wonderful golf courses.
Magda claimed she earned €67 more a week on the dole than she did while working and that her welfare payments are €182 more every week than back in her native Poland.
The shocking boasts in a Polish newspaper have ignited another debate on welfare tourism, with one Labour senator last night offering to pay for her flight home.
The ex-waitress told the Polish newspaper 'Gazeta Wyborcza' that instead of working she takes advantage of free education courses and goes surfing.
"How do I live? Wonderfully. I get an allowance of €188 a week plus €59 for the flat. In the winter I get an extra €20 for fuel. It's €267 a week," she said.
Magda doesn't identify the town in Co Donegal where she lives but she does call it a "s***hole".
Asked to describe her lifestyle, she went on: "The day starts in the same way. I go to the beach to watch the sunrise. It energises me for the rest for the day.
"Sometimes I sleep till noon and the nearest beach is five minutes away.
"What's our house like? Well, you can hear the ocean from the windows," she added.
Her partner Robert also bragged about life on the dole in Ireland, saying: "I won't get out of bed for €8 an hour especially when I have the sound of the ocean, golf courses and beautiful scenery."
The Polish newspaper article compares Madga's life on benefits with what she would earn working as a waitress in Poland, where the average weekly wage is just €85.
Dole payments in Poland are less than in Ireland, averaging just €36.50 a week.
There is no housing benefit and there are strict time limits on social welfare payments.
Welfare claimants can only claim for three months if they quit a job and six months if they are fired, said the report.
Instead of working Madga said she spent her time at a local surf school and learned how to do sign language at the local VEC college.
She also noted the 'generous' winter fuel payments of €20 a week which compared with no such payments in Poland, where temperatures yesterday dipped to -13C.
Last night a Labour senator based in Donegal said the claims were 'outrageous'.
Senator Jimmy Harte told the Irish Independent: "This woman is doing an enormous disservice to the Polish community in Co Donegal and to other hard-working non-nationals.
"She has clearly taken advantage of Irish hospitality. I would like to see her go back to Poland and if we can find out who she is, I'd gladly pay for her flight home."
He added: "Apart from her clear intent to take advantage of our social welfare system, to describe her home as a s***hole just adds insult to injury."
Polish welfare surfer admits to life of luxury living off the Irish state.
The posts by Bamboozileer can not just be ignored or credibly claimed as racist or rants. Ireland is broke and too many of us had to leave, Ireland is breaking apart.
So ask your T.D.
How come foreign immigrants can abuse the welfare system in Ireland.
Why does the EU not enforce each nation to pay their own citizens welfare rates. As people have said here, the EU is encouraging economic boom and bust via welfare tourism.
How can Poland, a very wealthy nation get away with not providing reasonable welfare for their own citizens. Why should Ireland be paying for any other Europeans welfare.
These nations will never grow up (including Ireland) until they are forced to take responsibility for their own citizens, including all of us who have had to emigrate, because no work and do not want to be on welfare.